Well, my mom came over on Thursday to take me to the doctor. I've had weird pains around my left breast and rib area. By the time we got to the doctor, the area was practically back to normal and I had a bad upper respiratory infection. I'm on antibiotics, lots of 'em, big ones, and I've gotten better. Yesterday was cool because Ben and...
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The last few days have really SUCKED! I love Ben and I love being around him.. but Sunday and Monday are totally icky days. All we did was argue and hurt each other and act like crazy people. I want everything to be okay again.. but I'm still upset about something. He buys all this stuff for the iPod and while I've been bugging him...
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How's the job hunt coming? I asked my friends who manage a video store if they had any openings, but they said no, they were actually cutting back on hours for the people already working there.
Still, if I hear of any other possibilities, I'll let you know.
Did you know that one of the main uses for "household electric motors", back around a hundred years ago was ... you guessed it: Vibrators!
It was an open secret that that was why they were so popular, until they were featured in one of the early porn flicks. After that it was too obvious, and you couldn't get them for a while...
And since some things never change, I imagine that there were some arguments about whether to get a new Victrola, or a household electric motor!

How's the job hunt coming? I asked my friends who manage a video store if they had any openings, but they said no, they were actually cutting back on hours for the people already working there.

Did you know that one of the main uses for "household electric motors", back around a hundred years ago was ... you guessed it: Vibrators!

And since some things never change, I imagine that there were some arguments about whether to get a new Victrola, or a household electric motor!


Ahahahaha.. that's great. I already knew that about vibrators but it still amuses me today, especially Victorian woman going to the doctor for a "release" once a week. Anyway, thanks for the help! 

The concert didn't work out.. because I ended up having a migraine the greater part of the day. By the time DrChaos called (I think I was going to call him back but I must have forgot) I was in La La Land. I did make it to Target again to return an article of clothing and got a REALLY cute pair of shoes! And...
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Welcome to the BCB group.
Gotta ask... gagriot? what is the story for that?
Gotta ask... gagriot? what is the story for that?
I got spam on an old AOL account of mine.. and the "screen name" for the spammer was GAGRIOT. 

I've been talking on the phone a relative amount lately. It feels so weird. Not using a phone for a few months has made me all weirded out. I'm afraid I'm bothering the other person and that they must be all busy and hate talking to me.. WHICH SEEMS TO BE THE CASE! Gah, I feel like such a hermit. Anyway, I hung out at...
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I was fired today. No one liked me. Yay. On the up side I get to sleep again, my finger doesn't hurt anymore and I get my paycheck today. 

You didn't call, Sunday.
Is there a number where I can reach you? Email me, if so. A cell-phone would be best, if you have one. You should think about getting one (at least, a prepaid one) if you don't have one yet. That way, I could call you to let you know when I'm free.
I'm sorry Saturday didn't work out. Late Saturday afternoon I went and just sat, relaxing and enjoying the warm weather, at West Street Plaza, down by the river. Some friends of mine were doing the same thing. You would have been welcome, if I knew how to get hold of you on short notice.
Tomorrow night (Monday), there's an open mic night down at Java Jungle, on 1st Street, downtown. You (and Ben) might enjoy that.
If you'd like to go, give me a call, I can pick you up if necessary.

I'm sorry Saturday didn't work out. Late Saturday afternoon I went and just sat, relaxing and enjoying the warm weather, at West Street Plaza, down by the river. Some friends of mine were doing the same thing. You would have been welcome, if I knew how to get hold of you on short notice.
Tomorrow night (Monday), there's an open mic night down at Java Jungle, on 1st Street, downtown. You (and Ben) might enjoy that.

I'm sorry about not being able to call you Saturday! I needed to pick up my birth control, lol, and ShopKo didnt have it. They were kind of bitches about it, so we walked down to Target.. and ended up staying there for quite a-while. By the time we got home, it was relatively late and I was pretty tired. I'd love to go to a concert, I haven't been to one in a-while, but I'm not 21.. and I don't have a ride and I'd feel pretty bad about imposing on you. My roommates cell phone number is 846-4404. Call me back today and we'll see what can happen.

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Injuries suck.
Finger injuries are even worse!
Missing skin under your fingernails... the worst!
You can try and hug Rembrandt, but he's not really a snuggling kind of cat. I have pics to prove this. hehe
Finger injuries are even worse!
Missing skin under your fingernails... the worst!

You can try and hug Rembrandt, but he's not really a snuggling kind of cat. I have pics to prove this. hehe
Unless you want your other fingers shredded too, I wouldn't recommend stealing my kitty. She's a Ninja!
(And she's not named that by accident!)
But I'm sorry that you hurt your finger.

But I'm sorry that you hurt your finger.

I dyed most of the back of my hair black a little while ago and tonight I am going to bleach the rest of it.. and make it GREEN! Ahahahahaha...the General Manager at Old Navy said she didn't care if I did, so NYAH! It took me an hour and the fumes started to mkae me feel really out of it, so I washed it...
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From that picture you took of all the snow and whatnot, it looks like you live in the same apartments I do...BUT TELL ME WHERE YOU LIVE ANYWAY! I will visit...please let me visit. It's sunday and I never get to do ANYTHING.
hello there... green hair!
Working at old navy definately has it's advantages huh!
Oreos are good, but have you tried the mint ones?
Yes, it's true. Oreos can get even better!
Working at old navy definately has it's advantages huh!

Oreos are good, but have you tried the mint ones?
Yes, it's true. Oreos can get even better!
I got a job at Old Navy the day before yesterday. It's right across the street from Good Guys, where Ben works, on Kietzke. I don't have a state issued birth certificate.. and for some reason I need it to get an I.D., which I of course need. But I have a paper from the hospital when I was really sick a few months back.....
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I can refer you to several good belly-dance teachers locally. Rabia and Kami
are the first two that come to mind, but let me check and see who has got a beginner's class going.

Sushi day ROCKED! I haven't had that much fun in forever. DrChaos and Muirtach were really nice. Emily is sooo cool and so is her boyfriend. iwanttobeherfriend. She says she'll teach me how to knit, har. I just have to get a hold of the cell phone and call. Maybe I could gather all the change I found last night while cleaning and do so...
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I'm picking random members to say hello today... so HELLO!

Thanks for suggesting sushi. It was fun, indeed!

I really like Ragnarok Online. Ben sat me in his lap this morning and told me all kinds of cool things, then let me wander around and kill pink gooshy things. I'm creating my own character, even though I'm bummed I can't be a girl. However, I won't really be able to play it much.. nor will I be able to talk to online friends...
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Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!
Aw thank you!
