I've put in my two weeks notice at Quizno's...at least, I will tomorrow. I meant to today but I forgot, HAH! Anyway...I work hard, I'm dedicated and I TRY MY FUCKING BEST at whatever I do...and I get shit on. Constantly. And I don't deserve it. I'm sick of it. No one appreciates the work I do. No one cares. So I will find a...
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Happy birthday (+ 1 week)!
Nice tat.
And there's something wrong, in the right way (or vice versa) with a close-up of a brand new piercing.
Nice tat.
And there's something wrong, in the right way (or vice versa) with a close-up of a brand new piercing.

Hehe, the picture looks funky I know.
I guess I had a really fucking bad day at work. The last few hours of it, anyway. I had to go pee maybe once a little after I got there and since I'm on my period, I had to put in two tampons. And I also had to take a shit...which supposedly took me fifteen minutes. Billie that old smelly cunt banged on the...
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I love my job at Quizno's...it's a challenge and it can be fun. However, I AM GETTING SO FUCKING TIRED OF BEING SHIT ON! Especially by Billie, that old crotchety bitch from hell. Who the fuck does she think she is? She isn't a manager! All she's got is seniority. She shouldn't be working there at all. I've been nice to her but the last...
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Listen to that man, he speaks good words.
Coincidentally, I still live in Reno, so which Quizno's are you at? I will need to eat sooner or later and saying hello to a sweet lass such as yourself would make lunch all the better.
Coincidentally, I still live in Reno, so which Quizno's are you at? I will need to eat sooner or later and saying hello to a sweet lass such as yourself would make lunch all the better.
Aw, it would be nice to see you again. I work at the Damonte Ranch Quizno's. I take the number 57 bus to work and home every day.
I usually work Tuesday-Saturday 11-4 and sometimes to 5. Hope to see you soon...although I might not recognize you, so if you do stop by let me know who you are. I wear a name tag with Laura on it. ^^; 12-1:30 is the busiest time for us.

Adrian got us all sick. It started for me Saturday night with a scratchy throat and the next day it hurt so bad I could hardly breathe. Yesterday I coughed and hocked up a ton of phlem stuff. Today I feel fine except for my nose...I'm -so- congested. I feel like I've been bashed in the face with a club. And I go to work...
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I got a job yesterday at Quizno's on Damonte. I'll be starting Saturday at 10am. I'm a little anxious but excited. Everyone there seems to be nice and down-to-earth, even the manager. Ben's really happy and relieved about it. I'm going to make peach cobbler today and I hope it turns out well. Guess that's all for now...
I saw Star Wars yesterday. A little goofy here and there but otherwise gooooooooood! And today we bought a game, the Return of the King, and also a DVD, Mary Poppins. So I'm all a twitter. I got the state certificate of my birth so tomorrow I'm going to turn in a few applications and see what happens. I need a ride to the DMV...
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I haven't been feeling very well lately. Prior to my period, I had a sore throat.. so I drank some tea and swallowed several spoonfulls of honey. That was fine. Now I feel tired, moreso than usual, and I am currently experiencing a second migraine this week. I am also experiencing nausea...I went to the doctor a month or so ago because I was ill...
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I moved back to Sac... so you're on your own for the brown gravy...
Left a recipe in the kitchen group for you, but be warned... i'm much better and doing, then teaching, when it comes to the kitchen.
You'll do just fine, I'm sure! mmMmm. tater tots. now you have ME hungry!

Left a recipe in the kitchen group for you, but be warned... i'm much better and doing, then teaching, when it comes to the kitchen.
You'll do just fine, I'm sure! mmMmm. tater tots. now you have ME hungry!

Yes, that elephant is fond of its own feces. A moment before or after I snapped that photo, it was actually sniffing them!
And what you see between its legs is not its tail.
I'm sorry to hear that you've not been feeling well. From my own experience, I'd say that if you're trying to eat less, you definitely have to be sure that you eat healthy: lots of fruits and vegetables and enough protein.
On the other hand, I'm glad to hear you'll have pictures of cats
. You must post them, you know. And I'm sure you'll be able to land a job once you have "proper" ID. But don't get me started on that subject or I'll go on an endless anarchistic rant!

And what you see between its legs is not its tail.

I'm sorry to hear that you've not been feeling well. From my own experience, I'd say that if you're trying to eat less, you definitely have to be sure that you eat healthy: lots of fruits and vegetables and enough protein.
On the other hand, I'm glad to hear you'll have pictures of cats

Yo! The toys are working out great. I've decided to put off Drakengard for a-while and focus on GTA: Vice City. I've really been enjoying it. Last night Ryan came over after the guys played pool and hung out. I got to burn all his Godfather DVD's except the bonus features. He's got a lot of really kickass stuff so I hope he'll be back...
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Just hoping that you find something.
I don't know of any specific jobs, but I have noticed that a couple of stores (Office Depot, Michaels) in the Redfield Crossing complex on Kietzke (which also includes the Old Navy store) seem to be hiring.

Yeah, Just drop me a line! I babysit 6:00am to 5:00pm these days but we should chill sometime.

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i hear you on the swimming... the school here has one but you can't just swim around and goof off...