I've put in my two weeks notice at Quizno's...at least, I will tomorrow. I meant to today but I forgot, HAH! Anyway...I work hard, I'm dedicated and I TRY MY FUCKING BEST at whatever I do...and I get shit on. Constantly. And I don't deserve it. I'm sick of it. No one appreciates the work I do. No one cares. So I will find a place that will! I just got an e-mail from CSG Direct INC that they have a job available...and it's not too far away. Problem is, the 56 bus kind of sort of NOT REALLY goes close to the area. So, how could I get there? Walk a fucking mile after riding on the bus? And I'm already paying 120 bucks a month as it is...and the price is going up fifteen fucking cents! I just need to get a job at the mall...or Blockbuster. I applied there, btw, but NO ANSWER SO FAR! I feel kind of upset because I really liked working at Quizno's but I'm so sick of the bullshit. I've been there since June and NO OUNCE OF RESPECT! So fuck 'em...I'll apply at ShopKo and that little area. And in the mall, again. Yeah yeah yeah...MY TATTOO IS GORGEOUS! And my navel is healed and purdy. ROCK! andimgunnalearntoknitasweater