Well, it's the guys weekend again. Adrian is of course sleeping on the couch so there's not much to do. Woke up at 9:30 and laid around until Ben got up a little while later. He's playing Ragnarok Online and I'm using the laptop. Adrian's computer is on and downloading, so everything is going really slow. I swore I wasn't going to ask Ben to go out with me.. and we have money but Ben is freaking out that it's gunna disappear, so we basically can't spend it. Um, we're hungry and Arby's sounds good to me but we'll probably end up using the rest of the burrito stuff Ben made yesterday morning. Blah blah blah. Kunzi is really cool and I want to go visit him and his dog. He has a nice living situation. I wish I had that luck with roommates. Okay, I guess that's it.
hate that place