DOPE! My car got keyed. On the passenger side from wheel to wheel. I don't think that it is that deep thoug. But still not cool. I dunno why people so that stuff. Don't hate, this car is costing me an arm and a leg...and just cause you did not make that sacrafice....does not mean you have to hate on me. Grrr! Oh well, I hope I can afford to get it fixed...if it does not cost too much.
hey where in Iowa are you from?
Damn them for messing with the RX-8. That happened with my other truck. Some prick decided to key it from front to back and make a few swirls in the driver side door. I was fucking pissed. Now with my new truck some dumbass has been trying this past week to steal my tailgate. I'm hoping one night I catch him in the act of trying to steal it.