I love my nights off work. Just wish there were more of them. Tonight I ordered out for Chinese.YUM! Then, it was nail clipping time for my ferrets. Looked through the Suicide Girls book I got yesterday (last one B&N had). Then, I had some good ol quality time with my PS2. Almost beat Final Fantasy X. I have a habit of getting up to the final boss in FF games and then moving on to the next game. So I have a trail of unbeaten bosses lurking in the dark. Guess I just cant part with the game being over or something. But I gotta catch up and beat X-2 as well before FFXII comes out.
Still a lil sore cause I worked out again Sunday after work. Not hard thoughmostly just watched my friends work out and then sat in the hot tub with em. Thanx to the oh-so-yummy front desk guy who has a crush on me.free gym time for me! But still gonna get a membership eventually.then maybe I can work out during the day sometimes as well.
Still a lil sore cause I worked out again Sunday after work. Not hard thoughmostly just watched my friends work out and then sat in the hot tub with em. Thanx to the oh-so-yummy front desk guy who has a crush on me.free gym time for me! But still gonna get a membership eventually.then maybe I can work out during the day sometimes as well.

It took me quite a few tries to beat him.
I'm a little embarassed actually.