---Had a great workout today! So far, I am enjoying my new supps. Funny thing happened; as I was finishing up my last set of Incline Dumbbell Flys some Meathead approached me. He asked if it were better to refrain from bringing your arms down past 90 degrees. He had noticed that I had only brought mine to parallel to the floor. I told him, based on everything I had read that it was generally good to bring your arms to 90 degrees and not much further. Mostly, I do this because it keeps me from engaging my shoulders too much, being that they are a weakness for me thanks to competitive swimming. He then went on about a guy he saw bringing his arms way far back and that it kind of looked really awkward. I just smiled, nodded and returned to my work out. Well, I guess it beats out many of the other random pick up lines. But honestly, I dont think that he was genuinely curious as to what my professional opinion on chest presses were. But if so, the general public should not bring they arms below parallel to the floor keeping that 90-degree angle. Any further opens the floor for injury. There are a few cases, were experienced lifters may focus on better stretch by bringing their arms down furtherbut that doesnt necessarily make it proper.---

hey someday when im in better shape or have gotten myself together
be my trainer? ^_^
i.. still get stuck at hi. and often wont go to that because of the icy cold reaction or the awkwardness.
and gyms -shudder- my skinny self... hah
whenever i -attempt- to benchpress my stabilizers and arms shift it all to my -abs.
its wierd.
but i can legpress double + my weight max.
military press... a lot.