Hey guys, I'm super excited, my set Damselflies hits Member Review today and I love it to bits, you know the drill, leave your comments and love 
I treated myself quite a bit this week in celebration in order to stop myself counting down the days and thinking about it. On Tuesday I got a tattoo done, of the Lacuna Coil symbol. Lacuna Coil means empty spiral in Italian which is pretty much my view of life, a spiral that nobody knows what to do with because it goes either up or down, usually with not much purpose. They've changed the symbol, which is an L and a C blended together with each album. This symbol I like because it reminds me of Japanese lettering, and was of their latest album Karmacode. People who don't know that the symbol is of the band seem to think it represents the spine in a manga art form, this is not helped by the fact that it is on my spine on my back, between shoulder blades. I'm not complaining, either way its cool and means a great deal to me as this band have helped me through quite a bit emotionally and every time I've met them they've been amazing! I can't wait to see them play again in November.

On Wednesday I took Holly into town for lunch and went to see my guys at Game and bought Ninja Gaiden 2 for XBOX 360.

Its fucking amazing. I'm instantly transported into my "This is so damn cool, oh hey, look at all that blood and gore, fucking awesome, ha there's a decapitated arm hanging in the air" 14 year old boy nerd mode. It is blissful, and I've already completed the first two chapters which makes me give Luke the middle finger as he suggested that I couldn't handle it due to my bad reaction to Halo 3. I fucking hated that game so much it made me ill. But Ninja Gaiden is alot like Assassin's Creed combat wise which is the kind of gaming I'm totally into, and the graphics are just unbelievable.
I also ordered the Cold album Year of the Spider from Amazon, even though the guys have broken up I miss their music. My friend Dan has a tattoo of that spider and gets pissed off that everyone thinks its a Spiderman spider even though they're nothing alike. I also ordered the BBC VHS of the Magician's House, which was on the BBC in 1999 and is a book adaption, and possibly the best adaption of a book I've come across. I loved watching the series and was reminded of it after watching Spiderwick last night due to the Steps Up The Chimney ideas from the book.
I just finished watching Batman Begin's. As a further celebration me and my boyfriend will be going to the Odeon this eveing to watch Dark Knight. It looks to be legendary, there were people queuing round the block for it on its opening on Thursday so I'm pretty glad we've booked tickets already. I love the batman hence my bats tattoo, him and everything to do with bats is totally hot and has been an obsession for years. I like how in my set the dress I'm wearing is bats print, I think it's going to be a tribute to Ledger in my head as its in member review during the first box office weekend of the film's release.
Hope everybody has had an equally great week and weekend!

I treated myself quite a bit this week in celebration in order to stop myself counting down the days and thinking about it. On Tuesday I got a tattoo done, of the Lacuna Coil symbol. Lacuna Coil means empty spiral in Italian which is pretty much my view of life, a spiral that nobody knows what to do with because it goes either up or down, usually with not much purpose. They've changed the symbol, which is an L and a C blended together with each album. This symbol I like because it reminds me of Japanese lettering, and was of their latest album Karmacode. People who don't know that the symbol is of the band seem to think it represents the spine in a manga art form, this is not helped by the fact that it is on my spine on my back, between shoulder blades. I'm not complaining, either way its cool and means a great deal to me as this band have helped me through quite a bit emotionally and every time I've met them they've been amazing! I can't wait to see them play again in November.

On Wednesday I took Holly into town for lunch and went to see my guys at Game and bought Ninja Gaiden 2 for XBOX 360.

Its fucking amazing. I'm instantly transported into my "This is so damn cool, oh hey, look at all that blood and gore, fucking awesome, ha there's a decapitated arm hanging in the air" 14 year old boy nerd mode. It is blissful, and I've already completed the first two chapters which makes me give Luke the middle finger as he suggested that I couldn't handle it due to my bad reaction to Halo 3. I fucking hated that game so much it made me ill. But Ninja Gaiden is alot like Assassin's Creed combat wise which is the kind of gaming I'm totally into, and the graphics are just unbelievable.
I also ordered the Cold album Year of the Spider from Amazon, even though the guys have broken up I miss their music. My friend Dan has a tattoo of that spider and gets pissed off that everyone thinks its a Spiderman spider even though they're nothing alike. I also ordered the BBC VHS of the Magician's House, which was on the BBC in 1999 and is a book adaption, and possibly the best adaption of a book I've come across. I loved watching the series and was reminded of it after watching Spiderwick last night due to the Steps Up The Chimney ideas from the book.
I just finished watching Batman Begin's. As a further celebration me and my boyfriend will be going to the Odeon this eveing to watch Dark Knight. It looks to be legendary, there were people queuing round the block for it on its opening on Thursday so I'm pretty glad we've booked tickets already. I love the batman hence my bats tattoo, him and everything to do with bats is totally hot and has been an obsession for years. I like how in my set the dress I'm wearing is bats print, I think it's going to be a tribute to Ledger in my head as its in member review during the first box office weekend of the film's release.
Hope everybody has had an equally great week and weekend!
Its the best way to be!!! and yay! noel fielding!!!

I love the set
And your tattoo's lovely - I love LC and it looks great as a tattoo x