God damned, I totally hate shit managers. Matt really pissed me off today, telling me half way through a job that I was doing it wrong because he was in too much of a rush to have a ciggarette break to tell me that the stickers had simply changed from purple to blue for our marketing. It couldn't have been more of a simple thing to tell me that something had changed and said "Well if you looked around you'd see that they'd changed", yet he should tell me when things change as its his job to keep us trained and up to date on new procedures and I told him so with a bit of swearing involved and an "Anything else new you'd like to tell me before we start shift?' very snottily and I fumed at him for the duration of the remainded of his shift. It maybe have been a little a childish retort in the circumstances but I was pissed off, and I needed to get some of the stress from the past week out before I burst and that little tiff did the trick. Now I'm all better
I like to rant about things and Matt's given me him to rant about. Not smart on his behalf on account of him being a fuck whit but nevermind.
On the good side of the day me and Holly had pancakes for breakfast
She scoffs them down like a maniac:

On the good side of the day me and Holly had pancakes for breakfast

She scoffs them down like a maniac:

Your little girl is adorable!
Yes I know I'm odd lol.