By god I'm tired. It has been such a long weekend and its only saturday! Mainly its because my weekend started on Thursday, which was fun although I had to work from 10 am till 4 pm which sucked. Also it had been really sunny when I left the house and because I seem to have a heat intolerance these days I decided it would be a good idea to leave the house in just my work shirt, when I got out of work it was pissing down with rain to the point of slanting needles. Nice.
Got off my bus and saw Casey driving down the corner on his bike, it made me giggle because he looked like a complete drowned rat, and when he got off to walk when he saw me his shoes squelched. Lovely
so then we went to mine and I got my stuff together for London. I decided my outfit for the gig would be a sexy black tarten dress that I bought last time I was in Camden with Kat - and had to take in because it was a size bigger than I expected - and my lovely thigh high four inch heal, two inch platform new rock boots. That hadn't been worn in yet. We walked two and a half miles to his house in the rain. My feet hated me when I got there, but I figured if I have to wear them in I should do it in one go because new rocks are notorius. We spent the evening with his brothers Cameron, Callum and Cai watching Back To the Future 1, 2, and 3 in a row which was pretty funny as I hadn't seen 3 yet. Casey's dad Chris had cooked turkey stakes in a Budwiser marinade, with ratattouli and fried mushrooms in garlic butter for dinner, it was fucking gorgeous knocked off with Cath's home brewed proper coffee - which I had two mugs of black no sugar - and then some cider to finish off. I was buzzing like a lunatic and having to calm Casey's sister Camilla down because she was having problems at school and then Cath because she was having other family problems so it was a bit mental.
On the Friday morning we power walked it another two miles listening to IAMX on our headphones to the train station. Had our train not been cancelled untill 1pm we probably would have missed it but thankfully luck was on our side today and we couldn't give a toss about loosing an half hour as we'd left good time to check into the hotel and get to Camden later. The train journey was quite amusing reminiscing on previous gigs were we'd met people making each other jealous and about stuff from childhood like the joy of Pokemon lol.
The tube was mental which was to be expected in all honesty, I hate using the tube and I don't get how people could do it every day but it is better than taking the bus and far quicker. Our hotel room was reasonably descent for a travelodge as they are usually shit. We dumped our stuff, watched some news, changed and headed out again to Camden.
I popped into Cyberdog to say hi to Elf but was told she wasn't working today
but had a good chat with the new staff who I'd met last time I was there talking about the mindless self indulgence gig and they were laughing at the fact that every fucker who'd gone in there today had an MSI t-shirt on. We left for the Hob Goblin to meet up with my friends Dani and Renate. I met Dani at the Lacuna Coil/Deathstars gig in London a few years back and we've been good friends ever since. By then it had started raining again which was fun me being in a dress and all but I couldn't give a monkeys as it was still hot in my opinion.
The qeue at the Roundhouse was huge and about 90% of the crowd where under 16 except for us four who didn't stand anywhere near the throng of teeny boppers because we felt we couldn't risit kicking their lights out should they annoy us. There was a row of parents at the back near the bar.
IAMX performed alot better than Mindless Self Indulgence on a single basis. They played music. Some from their old album, some from the Alternative and it rocked the back of the crowd where we were as we were surrounded by other IAMX fans who couldn't be bothered with the babies in the forfront. MSI played about ten songs tops, nothing further back than Frankenstein Girls, which was to be expected but at least they chose the best songs from If like Never Wanted To Dance, and Patient. Faggot was a laugh because he brought up three girls from the crowd and made them sing the 'I've been denied all the best of ultra sex' chorus and they couldn't have been older than 14 the nerdy little fucks. He did pick them just because they were nerds and the singing hurt so damn much. Urine then commented on how 'Oh god guys, all I have to do is hit that high note and you all fucking melt like ummmmm' which got a good laugh. He then proceeded to tell everyone that he wouldn't sing anymore untill he got 20 because this band is his only job and he needs the money so he was singing "I want twenty fucking pounds" over and over and some sad cock actually gave him twenty fucking poundsd and he said "I bet this was your fucking pocket money wasn't it kiddo? Yoink!" hhahahaha genius. Urine took the piss out of his crowd so much it was unreal because they all cheered like wankers but its the humour that makes the essence of MSI. Essentially it was a comedy act with music. All in all it could of done with more music but it was still a fun night. I probably wouldn't travel all the way to London for them again though. I had to buy an If shirt one with them poised as monkeys, and an IAMX t-shirt because they're under rated and under publiscised and probably needed it more than MSI's twenty fucking pounds.
Dan and Renate departed back to Southhampton and me and Case got to our hotel room and found Kill Bill Volume Two to entertain us till we fell asleep.
Our journey back to Bristol wasn't too bad on the megabus as we were buzzing on lukazaid, as we'd shared two 2litre bottles of it at breakfast. Casey will probably come down off it during his shift at work tonight as he's working till eight. I feel like death, my feet are killing me, and thigh is fucking bruised from all the walking I've done this weekend but hey I had fun, but now its time to collapse in a heap of aching muscles and bones hahah.
There isn't anything that you can do That I haven't already done to myself
PS: My set hits MR in exactly two weeks on the 26th of July!
Got off my bus and saw Casey driving down the corner on his bike, it made me giggle because he looked like a complete drowned rat, and when he got off to walk when he saw me his shoes squelched. Lovely

On the Friday morning we power walked it another two miles listening to IAMX on our headphones to the train station. Had our train not been cancelled untill 1pm we probably would have missed it but thankfully luck was on our side today and we couldn't give a toss about loosing an half hour as we'd left good time to check into the hotel and get to Camden later. The train journey was quite amusing reminiscing on previous gigs were we'd met people making each other jealous and about stuff from childhood like the joy of Pokemon lol.
The tube was mental which was to be expected in all honesty, I hate using the tube and I don't get how people could do it every day but it is better than taking the bus and far quicker. Our hotel room was reasonably descent for a travelodge as they are usually shit. We dumped our stuff, watched some news, changed and headed out again to Camden.
I popped into Cyberdog to say hi to Elf but was told she wasn't working today

The qeue at the Roundhouse was huge and about 90% of the crowd where under 16 except for us four who didn't stand anywhere near the throng of teeny boppers because we felt we couldn't risit kicking their lights out should they annoy us. There was a row of parents at the back near the bar.
IAMX performed alot better than Mindless Self Indulgence on a single basis. They played music. Some from their old album, some from the Alternative and it rocked the back of the crowd where we were as we were surrounded by other IAMX fans who couldn't be bothered with the babies in the forfront. MSI played about ten songs tops, nothing further back than Frankenstein Girls, which was to be expected but at least they chose the best songs from If like Never Wanted To Dance, and Patient. Faggot was a laugh because he brought up three girls from the crowd and made them sing the 'I've been denied all the best of ultra sex' chorus and they couldn't have been older than 14 the nerdy little fucks. He did pick them just because they were nerds and the singing hurt so damn much. Urine then commented on how 'Oh god guys, all I have to do is hit that high note and you all fucking melt like ummmmm' which got a good laugh. He then proceeded to tell everyone that he wouldn't sing anymore untill he got 20 because this band is his only job and he needs the money so he was singing "I want twenty fucking pounds" over and over and some sad cock actually gave him twenty fucking poundsd and he said "I bet this was your fucking pocket money wasn't it kiddo? Yoink!" hhahahaha genius. Urine took the piss out of his crowd so much it was unreal because they all cheered like wankers but its the humour that makes the essence of MSI. Essentially it was a comedy act with music. All in all it could of done with more music but it was still a fun night. I probably wouldn't travel all the way to London for them again though. I had to buy an If shirt one with them poised as monkeys, and an IAMX t-shirt because they're under rated and under publiscised and probably needed it more than MSI's twenty fucking pounds.
Dan and Renate departed back to Southhampton and me and Case got to our hotel room and found Kill Bill Volume Two to entertain us till we fell asleep.
Our journey back to Bristol wasn't too bad on the megabus as we were buzzing on lukazaid, as we'd shared two 2litre bottles of it at breakfast. Casey will probably come down off it during his shift at work tonight as he's working till eight. I feel like death, my feet are killing me, and thigh is fucking bruised from all the walking I've done this weekend but hey I had fun, but now its time to collapse in a heap of aching muscles and bones hahah.
There isn't anything that you can do That I haven't already done to myself

PS: My set hits MR in exactly two weeks on the 26th of July!
What stats do you mean?
Mmmm, crepes, the day our local van/stall thing closed down, I could've cried, they're sent from heaven, tee hee