Yesterday was brilliant. Casey was meant to meet me towards the end of my shift at work but he got side tracked by Saturdays Doctor Who and was about an hour late. Honestly, that boy is the worst time keeper ever, I'm sure he's at least an hour late every time we go somewhere. I sat in Starbucks for a while and had my caffiene fix, because one cup of coffee in the AM just doesn't cut it with me and then headed to the Crown bitterly hoping that my hair wouldn't morph into its usually curly state because it had begun raining slightly. It was bloody boiling when I left the house in a flimsy white shirt that even had holes in it (some designers idea of what's cute I suppose) so that wasn't fun. Completley jacketless with hair about to attack me and nipples visible to everybody, yeay!
I got myself a drink and started listening to IAMX on my MP3. I am happy that tommorow my new Creative Zen 8 GB will be coming from Littlewoods. I love Creative's, they are so much better to work with than IPods, and less expensive and much more pretty. My 4GB is of no use to me these days as I like far too much music where once I was just obsessed with listening to Rammstein, Deathstars and Lacuna Coil amongst some other bands like Lordi and other industrialy electronica types like Jakalope and MSI. Danni introduced me to IAMX because they're supporting MSI at the gig we're going to on the 11th and they're so good I almost cried a tear when I listened to them. The Alternative is their best album, and will be greatly enjoyed if you like bands like MSI and Orgy.
Stefany, someone me and Casey avoid like a plague was there, which was why I tried to sit in a corner on my own and ignore her, which is often best. But of course as soon as Casey arrived she swarmed in on him and instantly joined us much to our annoyance. You just can't tell this girl to fuck off, the only person who ever managed it was my friend Jameson who said very calmly "If you don't leave me alone this instant I'll throw you down those stairs". I've known her for years and I love her dearly but she can be a bit much, especially when she's rude enough to invite herself round his house through his Dad so he couldn't escape it. I said that he should lie and say he has work in the morning, which she ignored, and even ignored that it was a school night for his brothers. You just can't tell her no. Anyway, enough ranting of yesterday.
Today will be fun, I'll be heading to my best friend Adam's house to break him into the confusion that awaits in the dark world of the third season of Lost. It were Adam that first introduced me to Lost through a two day marathon of the first season, but after Channel Four lost Lost to SKY he hasn't been able to keep up through lack of SKY like alot of people. So I shall be bringing round a couple of bottles of cider, and oreo cookies, and we shall attempt to watch the entirity of season 3 from about 9 pm tonight untill half 3 tommorow afternoon when I have to leave for my shift at Debenhams. I will be fucking knackered and Matt will likely be unimpressed by my inability to function but fuck it. It's all fun.
My boyfriend and my lovely baby Holly Bean...
Holly last halloween in her cute little witches hat lol ...
Some of the old buildings around the Cuban Restaurant in Camden ...
I got myself a drink and started listening to IAMX on my MP3. I am happy that tommorow my new Creative Zen 8 GB will be coming from Littlewoods. I love Creative's, they are so much better to work with than IPods, and less expensive and much more pretty. My 4GB is of no use to me these days as I like far too much music where once I was just obsessed with listening to Rammstein, Deathstars and Lacuna Coil amongst some other bands like Lordi and other industrialy electronica types like Jakalope and MSI. Danni introduced me to IAMX because they're supporting MSI at the gig we're going to on the 11th and they're so good I almost cried a tear when I listened to them. The Alternative is their best album, and will be greatly enjoyed if you like bands like MSI and Orgy.
Stefany, someone me and Casey avoid like a plague was there, which was why I tried to sit in a corner on my own and ignore her, which is often best. But of course as soon as Casey arrived she swarmed in on him and instantly joined us much to our annoyance. You just can't tell this girl to fuck off, the only person who ever managed it was my friend Jameson who said very calmly "If you don't leave me alone this instant I'll throw you down those stairs". I've known her for years and I love her dearly but she can be a bit much, especially when she's rude enough to invite herself round his house through his Dad so he couldn't escape it. I said that he should lie and say he has work in the morning, which she ignored, and even ignored that it was a school night for his brothers. You just can't tell her no. Anyway, enough ranting of yesterday.
Today will be fun, I'll be heading to my best friend Adam's house to break him into the confusion that awaits in the dark world of the third season of Lost. It were Adam that first introduced me to Lost through a two day marathon of the first season, but after Channel Four lost Lost to SKY he hasn't been able to keep up through lack of SKY like alot of people. So I shall be bringing round a couple of bottles of cider, and oreo cookies, and we shall attempt to watch the entirity of season 3 from about 9 pm tonight untill half 3 tommorow afternoon when I have to leave for my shift at Debenhams. I will be fucking knackered and Matt will likely be unimpressed by my inability to function but fuck it. It's all fun.
My boyfriend and my lovely baby Holly Bean...

Holly last halloween in her cute little witches hat lol ...

Some of the old buildings around the Cuban Restaurant in Camden ...

well good luck rival. :batattak:
The Devil is a loser and he is MY bitch!