So I'm a little bit drunk right now on red wine, but it's the most awake I've been all day. No, honestly, this cold's been driving me mental all week. I think my boss gave it to me last Friday when we were out as he was sniveling about having a "man cold". Cold's are not gender oriantated people! I spent half of yesterday spitting up solid phlegm and blood but yeah yesterday was fun.
I took some random pictures in the garden because I was bored:
Me smelling a flower ...
A cherry, I thought it was cool cos it was the only one on the tree, it has since dissapeared because of windy weather ...
Windy weather that made my hair fly about in such a manner ...
And, finally me with straight hair in my Hopeful's tee also posted in Hopeful's Only...
I am a happy bunny now that I've realised that I don't have to spend hours uploading images to photobucket in order to sprinkle my infrequent blogs with images. I hadn't ever noticed that little attach feature, and I've only just learnt how to resize images so that they don't take up the entire screen lol. I've also found the button that has allowed me to delete Ralaxing Afternoon from my profile pictures as I've been wanting to do that for ages, which means my only current Hopeful's set until Damselflies reaches MR on the 26th of July is Stardust. Anyway, untill next time have a good week guys.
Still Hopeful

I took some random pictures in the garden because I was bored:
Me smelling a flower ...

A cherry, I thought it was cool cos it was the only one on the tree, it has since dissapeared because of windy weather ...

Windy weather that made my hair fly about in such a manner ...

And, finally me with straight hair in my Hopeful's tee also posted in Hopeful's Only...

I am a happy bunny now that I've realised that I don't have to spend hours uploading images to photobucket in order to sprinkle my infrequent blogs with images. I hadn't ever noticed that little attach feature, and I've only just learnt how to resize images so that they don't take up the entire screen lol. I've also found the button that has allowed me to delete Ralaxing Afternoon from my profile pictures as I've been wanting to do that for ages, which means my only current Hopeful's set until Damselflies reaches MR on the 26th of July is Stardust. Anyway, untill next time have a good week guys.
Still Hopeful


Ah DS9 is hella better, but B5 stands on its own merrits.

you look cute in the hopefuls shirt