Dragonflies has finally been submitted to staff review, safe and sound. Hurrah, it took three attempts, mostly due to my own idiocy I must admit. But I'm super glad that the set has gone through as that's one thing I've been trying to get done this week that has been getting on my nerves.
In other news I had my first final English Language exam's yesterday. I have my second tommorow. Yesterday's exam was all about language of recent times and was a text from the coronation of Queen Victoria in 1835. Therefore, there was bugger all to talk about being as language was fairly standardised by then in terms of spellings and punctuation etc except for graphology which they say not to talk about. Needless to say our evening class group was pretty pissed off that we could barely use everything we'd spent the last three months learning. That being said, hopefully tommorows exam, which will be on recent language debates will be a little bit easier on us in terms of getting to show the examiner what we know. I really have enjoyed doing this intensive and have made some good close friend's from it. This September I am planning to enroll for an English Literature intensive and then go on to study both and Media Studies at university.
Another Debenhams sale meant the joy of longer opening hours. It was pretty decent today though, because of the Debenhams sale most people tended not to bother us at Game because HQ is too stingy to agree to their discounts ha! Amusingly two drunk to their eyeballs Australians came in and said 'We're bored and want an 360 four games and a spare controller please'. They were quite entertaining for a couple of hours sipping vodka in evian bottles lol, you could tell it was vodka as you could smell it miles away.
Friday, and Game payday will mean the lot of us going out to the Crown and then the Keller for the evening to celebrate wasting our money on boose which will encurr random events best left un talked about for the rest of our days due to the fact that we all somehow have physical attractions towards each other and are just testing out the boundries. Makes going out with them a barrel of unpredictable laughs though, so I'm looking forward to it even though it'll mean having to drop the baby off at my mum's first on the bus because everyones MOT has run out at the same time grrr!!!
Still Hopeful!
In other news I had my first final English Language exam's yesterday. I have my second tommorow. Yesterday's exam was all about language of recent times and was a text from the coronation of Queen Victoria in 1835. Therefore, there was bugger all to talk about being as language was fairly standardised by then in terms of spellings and punctuation etc except for graphology which they say not to talk about. Needless to say our evening class group was pretty pissed off that we could barely use everything we'd spent the last three months learning. That being said, hopefully tommorows exam, which will be on recent language debates will be a little bit easier on us in terms of getting to show the examiner what we know. I really have enjoyed doing this intensive and have made some good close friend's from it. This September I am planning to enroll for an English Literature intensive and then go on to study both and Media Studies at university.
Another Debenhams sale meant the joy of longer opening hours. It was pretty decent today though, because of the Debenhams sale most people tended not to bother us at Game because HQ is too stingy to agree to their discounts ha! Amusingly two drunk to their eyeballs Australians came in and said 'We're bored and want an 360 four games and a spare controller please'. They were quite entertaining for a couple of hours sipping vodka in evian bottles lol, you could tell it was vodka as you could smell it miles away.
Friday, and Game payday will mean the lot of us going out to the Crown and then the Keller for the evening to celebrate wasting our money on boose which will encurr random events best left un talked about for the rest of our days due to the fact that we all somehow have physical attractions towards each other and are just testing out the boundries. Makes going out with them a barrel of unpredictable laughs though, so I'm looking forward to it even though it'll mean having to drop the baby off at my mum's first on the bus because everyones MOT has run out at the same time grrr!!!
Still Hopeful!
Of course
I thought it was a bit unneccessary to lock the thread too!

i think thats actually called double vision.