I think this week I've been drinking too much whisky, SoCo to be persise, and not eating enough food. It's quite bad that I can actually recall off one hand what I've eaten this week. Sometimes I go through phases where I jus don't want to eat at all. So Monday I ate an apple, Tuesday eclaires and oreos, Wednesday chips and a muffin, Thursday a pot noodle, Friday a turkey sandwhich and Saturday a pizza and a sausage sandwhich. Wierd choice of foods. My alcohol consumtion has been through the roof and due to that and lack of food I don't think my stomach likes me very much right now.
Last night my boss invited a load of people round for a gaming night in honour of his 21st. Now the rich bastard, having recieved a three grand bonus for doing well last year, actually has games to play on his XBox 360 rather than all the free demos. His collection now includes Guitar Hero and Rock Band so we were bascally playing that all night. And then after that I went to my friend Adam's where we were playing Guitar Hero AGAIN stupid game is taking over the world god damn..
I'm not going to drink anything for the next couple of days as my stomach already hates me lol.
Last night my boss invited a load of people round for a gaming night in honour of his 21st. Now the rich bastard, having recieved a three grand bonus for doing well last year, actually has games to play on his XBox 360 rather than all the free demos. His collection now includes Guitar Hero and Rock Band so we were bascally playing that all night. And then after that I went to my friend Adam's where we were playing Guitar Hero AGAIN stupid game is taking over the world god damn..
I'm not going to drink anything for the next couple of days as my stomach already hates me lol.
i think speilberg is just a little obsessed with aliens. x x
x x