I think it is time for a new blog!
I've just been added by the most awesome person in all the world, I have been talking to her on MSN and she has been giving me lots of super cool photography advice and is a very sparkling person to talk too. According to her blog (she is Pam_D I am her new favourite Hopeful! I have to make her proud!
I've had to work alot this week which wasn't so good as it made me miss the baby alot. I worked 4-11 on thursday and she had to go to my mum's so I could work Friday too 4-10. It didn't help that on Friday I was working with Emilee and she was bitching about the other guys that I work with constantly till I got annoyed with her and walked off. Because we're a small group my other co-workers, Kit, Luke and Matt are my friends not just people I work with and I am a bit territorial over them I guess. I didn't like how she talked about them, all she did was whine whilst I did all the work. I was happy with doing everything just not whilst she sat around and complained about everything whilst I did it all.
On happier notes after work there was my boyfriend's sister's birthday party. She had her birthday party at her friend's to celebrate her 24th and had a barbeque and lots of people. Three different kinds of punch! I got quite drunk and regretted it the following morning. Towards the end of the evening I ended up in the living room with the guys playing GTA 4 wishing it was pay day so I could grab the copy Matt's put back for me! It's like golddust at the moment.
And. For the big announcement Holly is walking! it is the cutest thing ever watching her toddle around leaping from sofa to sofa etc. Sometimes she thinks its too funny and falls over backwards in fits of giggles. Bless her.
I've promised a picture of my latest tattoo for a while and took this one. I quite like it as for once I have no makeup on! The real me!

A picture of Holly and my partner:

Spotlight Set This Blog:
SG: Rubix - Autumn Antics
Hopeful: DokuroChan - Out From Under
I've just been added by the most awesome person in all the world, I have been talking to her on MSN and she has been giving me lots of super cool photography advice and is a very sparkling person to talk too. According to her blog (she is Pam_D I am her new favourite Hopeful! I have to make her proud!
I've had to work alot this week which wasn't so good as it made me miss the baby alot. I worked 4-11 on thursday and she had to go to my mum's so I could work Friday too 4-10. It didn't help that on Friday I was working with Emilee and she was bitching about the other guys that I work with constantly till I got annoyed with her and walked off. Because we're a small group my other co-workers, Kit, Luke and Matt are my friends not just people I work with and I am a bit territorial over them I guess. I didn't like how she talked about them, all she did was whine whilst I did all the work. I was happy with doing everything just not whilst she sat around and complained about everything whilst I did it all.
On happier notes after work there was my boyfriend's sister's birthday party. She had her birthday party at her friend's to celebrate her 24th and had a barbeque and lots of people. Three different kinds of punch! I got quite drunk and regretted it the following morning. Towards the end of the evening I ended up in the living room with the guys playing GTA 4 wishing it was pay day so I could grab the copy Matt's put back for me! It's like golddust at the moment.
And. For the big announcement Holly is walking! it is the cutest thing ever watching her toddle around leaping from sofa to sofa etc. Sometimes she thinks its too funny and falls over backwards in fits of giggles. Bless her.
I've promised a picture of my latest tattoo for a while and took this one. I quite like it as for once I have no makeup on! The real me!

A picture of Holly and my partner:

Spotlight Set This Blog:
SG: Rubix - Autumn Antics
Hopeful: DokuroChan - Out From Under
i just meant how you wrote your co workers are your friends. most of my closest friends i met through game. x x
Did you not see the pic of my room, I can always find mine even in that and I have about 20 USB leads for various things!