Wow it's been a long time since I last posted a blog so I figured I ought to update you all.
Me and Holly have been ill with various snotty colds this past week which means Holly's spending a lot of the time looking incredibly sorry for herself, and we all just think it's a new level of baby cuteness, except for when she keeps us up till god knows when in the morning like she did to Faolan last night. A few weeks ago me and my friend nettle took her to the zoo with Nettle's little boy Acey who is a year old - she absolutely loved it. Holly's now six months and has started to get onto her hnds and knees as if to crawl but she just sits there giggling and rocking.
Last Monday Faolan's band Madeleine Black had their first headlining gig at the Croft that went really well and they got a lot of money for. He tells me that they're going to be supporting an aclaimed international band there this October as long as doing a couple of radio shows ... he plans to be signed by April next year so good look to that lol. It's hard to believe that next month we would have been together a year, and that we've known each other for two years and most of that has been us together in a relationship. Tis kinda daunting but wicked at the same time!
I've started going back to college as well, doing an English Language intensive A Level which is totally fast passed and intense but so much fun ... it's two years worth of studying in one year with only three hours a week to do it in when the average student gets five.
Me and Holly have been ill with various snotty colds this past week which means Holly's spending a lot of the time looking incredibly sorry for herself, and we all just think it's a new level of baby cuteness, except for when she keeps us up till god knows when in the morning like she did to Faolan last night. A few weeks ago me and my friend nettle took her to the zoo with Nettle's little boy Acey who is a year old - she absolutely loved it. Holly's now six months and has started to get onto her hnds and knees as if to crawl but she just sits there giggling and rocking.
Last Monday Faolan's band Madeleine Black had their first headlining gig at the Croft that went really well and they got a lot of money for. He tells me that they're going to be supporting an aclaimed international band there this October as long as doing a couple of radio shows ... he plans to be signed by April next year so good look to that lol. It's hard to believe that next month we would have been together a year, and that we've known each other for two years and most of that has been us together in a relationship. Tis kinda daunting but wicked at the same time!
I've started going back to college as well, doing an English Language intensive A Level which is totally fast passed and intense but so much fun ... it's two years worth of studying in one year with only three hours a week to do it in when the average student gets five.
all sounds good
keep it up and welcome back

Adrian is also pushing himself up but not crawling yet (almost 5 month old)... Hope t read more of you.