Well, I lost my voice....wedding shit sucks....my dress is all fucked up and my family is driving me crazy. I have the worst news....I won't be able to move to portland...unfortunately with the wedding chaos, I am going to be missing the fall tern. I was so hoping to get going with my prereqs and now, I have to wait til the fall, so I am staying in Florida, since I have residency. I know that this is the better decision financially but it sucks. I hate Florida. I even hate south Florida more. So I am back at the beginging....but at least I will have my boy with me, so that should make it a bit more tolerable. We found a really cute little cottage in the ghetto....we move in october first. I should be starting classes in fall and hopefully starting some online classes next week. I am in the panhandle packing and will be in south Florida as of Sunday for the next two years....I COULD CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't even told anyone yet...I really wanted to be able to get out of the sunshine state, but I want to be a doctor more...so i guess it is worth it. Sean is super supportive, so if he thinks I can do it, then I can do it....AHHHHHHHHHHHH, I hope all the girlys that live in Portland that I meet are still cool with talking....well later kids...oh and I want to give a shout out to my very good buddy in OHIO, you know who you are....feel better, I don't know what is up with you, but i read your journal...and I want you to know...you have a beautiful heart...broken or not...it is always going to be loved by me....

"Live in the present, remember the past, and fear not the future, for it doesn't exist and never shall. There is only now."
~Eldest, by Christopher Paolini (p. 361)
Things always turn out good.