What the hell is wrong with the world today? Do the things that are right with it balance everything out in the end?
I doubt it. I guess that all we can expect of ourselves is to do what we think is genuinely right and hope that our example is contagious. It occurs to me that the best days of being an American are both greatly exaggerated and behind us. The wealth of the country has a firm foot hold on the path to bringing back a caste system, the days of surfs and lords. It will be different in appearance because of technology and the evolution of cultural and societal demands but easily recognizable in function. The most frightening thing about the world today is how many have already found happiness in slavery.
Were I not an Atheist, I would ask God to help us all and help us right now. Being that I am an Atheist I ask that we beware that religions play in the decent will be large, as it always has been. Thought control has always been the responsibility of established religion. It has always been ready and willing to fulfill this demand in exchange for a piece, a large piece, of the power and wealth.
When allowed to, the animals always breed into imbalance with the environment, and environment always suffers greatly.
At least the snow is on its way and I can enjoy that moment when the dust on my snowboard turns to a dirty half frozen mud on my way up to the first run of the season. I intend to enjoy that moment, at least I know it is one of the things that is right with the world today.
-Follower of the Gadfly
I doubt it. I guess that all we can expect of ourselves is to do what we think is genuinely right and hope that our example is contagious. It occurs to me that the best days of being an American are both greatly exaggerated and behind us. The wealth of the country has a firm foot hold on the path to bringing back a caste system, the days of surfs and lords. It will be different in appearance because of technology and the evolution of cultural and societal demands but easily recognizable in function. The most frightening thing about the world today is how many have already found happiness in slavery.
Were I not an Atheist, I would ask God to help us all and help us right now. Being that I am an Atheist I ask that we beware that religions play in the decent will be large, as it always has been. Thought control has always been the responsibility of established religion. It has always been ready and willing to fulfill this demand in exchange for a piece, a large piece, of the power and wealth.
When allowed to, the animals always breed into imbalance with the environment, and environment always suffers greatly.
At least the snow is on its way and I can enjoy that moment when the dust on my snowboard turns to a dirty half frozen mud on my way up to the first run of the season. I intend to enjoy that moment, at least I know it is one of the things that is right with the world today.
-Follower of the Gadfly
Unfortunately, my choice might end up either giving the cat away or taking it to the pound where it might be euthanized. I'd rather give away someone's pet, and know it will be happy, then put it in the pound.