you know whats funny? when a person you had the hots for a long time ago didn't even know you were alive, but 10 years has past and now they have the hots for you and you don't remember what was so hot back then.
hey...i'm sorry. Jason had said something to the effect "well titty agrees with me". So I was like oh, ok. I know that this is difficult for you to get involved in. I guess i'm just mad at jason for mooching on my friends all the time and not making his own. I know that you and Jason are friends now and that doesn't bother me. I'm glad he has an awesome friend like you. But I just mean in general. He was trying to get Amber to hook him up, and then Rachel. And I was like umm....I know these guys are your friends too...but how about you find your own for a change. That's mean. I'm a bitch. Nevermind...I hate life. And yes I am skipping work today with the risk I will get fired b/c I can't get my fat ass out of bed. I am thinking of spending another few days in the hospital just so I don't do anything stupid. But fuck I hated it there. Ugh. Help I'm soooooooo fucking Ssssstttttuuuuuppppppiiiiiiddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats only happened once....and i dun fucked it up.