This is for mature talk on Adult film and art, as well as good quality content. Must be an active member on the site to be accepted. All models are accepted. No spam allowed here!!
All things related to historical and modern mysteries, mythical creatures, and cryptozoology!
A group for smart people! We talk about things like literature, astrophysics, libraries, money, and cephalopods (mostly squid).
Discuss any topic related to making your appearance the best it can be. From skin care to makeup to stress relief to nutrition to surgical techniques.
A group for those who are trying to lose weight. Here you'll find support, ideas, motivation, and anything else on the subject. There are no miracle cures. Hard work and eating right is the only sustainable weight loss method. There is one and only only thread about weight loss pills …
This is a group for anyone interested in the Suicide Girls Live Show. Here is where you can find tour dates, audition information, local shows, news, contests and talk about anything burlesque or touring.
Y'all a bunch of Weasley hoes up in here!
This is a place for beer lovers of all kinds. Sing a song to your favorite type, talk about your favorite pubs, breweries, and styles. Found an amazing new beer? Tell us! have a question? Ask it! Share your favorite places to drink and pretty much anything related to the …
A group for people who are a little shorter, and the people who appreciate them :) *This is NOT a place to belittle or unfairly judge people, so please don't join if you plan on being an ass.*