Sorry I haven't been around lately. I've been working the dreaded call centre job. Pay is great and the people are generaly great but the job itself is slightly sub par.
Ran into a crazy lady on the bus today. She shared stories with me of how Jim Morrison is still alive and how Elvis is a ghost trapped in a jewwish kids Cabbage Patch doll. I feel so much more informed now.
I was really worried she was going to get off the bus at my work site thankfuly she didn't.
My neighbors think I've gone nuts myself. A strong wind caught a pile of leaves this morning and made them all dance together in unison. I just laughed and danced with them. I just had an odd satori in my head that everything was good with my life. That even leaves that had fallen died and been covered in snow could get up in the spring and dance with no worries and no cares.
I'm finaly getting around to evilandyroths tag on me
1. What Time Do You Get Up? Around 1 pm most days
3. What Was The Last Film You Saw At The Cinema? Mirrormask
4. Favorite Tv Shows? Isn't that in my profile?
5. What Do You Have For Breakfast? Breakfast? What the hell is that?
6. Who Would You Hate To Be Stuck In A Room With? The crazy lady on the bus today
7. Can You Touch Your Nose With Your Tongue? No but I can roll my tounge
8. What Inspires You? Anyone willing to stand up for what they beleve.
9. What's Your Middle Name? Bradley
10. Beach, City, Or Country? Country
11. Favorite Ice Cream? Cow tracks
12. Butter, Plain Or Salted Popcorn? All of the above
13. What's Your Favorite Color? Burgandy
14. Favorite Car? The one that goes vroom vroom
15. Favorite Sandwich Filling? Pickles and lots of them
16. What Characteristic Do You Despise? Ignorance
17. Favorite Flower? Lily
18. If You Had A Big Win In The Lottery, How Long Would You Wait To Tell People? When I collect the money and show up to my friends houses to give some of it to them
19. Fizzy Or Still Water As A Drink? Still! What are you drunk?
20. What Color Is Your Bathroom? White
21. How Many Keys On Your Key Ring? Three.
22. Where Would You Retire To? BC. Some where far off in the woods
23. Can You Juggle?
24. Favorite Day Of The Week? Thursday
25. Red Or White Wine? mmm both
26. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday? A Red Son Superman toy
27. Do You Carry A Donor Card? I'm givin all but my eyes to science.
28. Say Something Nice About The Person That Sent This? He lets me call him at all hours of the night
And now back to our regular programing
I got a game for you. Name this 80s cartoon character
First one to tell me who he is gets a cookie. And the first one to tell me his race gets one of my socks!!
My you always live in interesting times.
The Saint
Ran into a crazy lady on the bus today. She shared stories with me of how Jim Morrison is still alive and how Elvis is a ghost trapped in a jewwish kids Cabbage Patch doll. I feel so much more informed now.

My neighbors think I've gone nuts myself. A strong wind caught a pile of leaves this morning and made them all dance together in unison. I just laughed and danced with them. I just had an odd satori in my head that everything was good with my life. That even leaves that had fallen died and been covered in snow could get up in the spring and dance with no worries and no cares.
I'm finaly getting around to evilandyroths tag on me
1. What Time Do You Get Up? Around 1 pm most days
3. What Was The Last Film You Saw At The Cinema? Mirrormask
4. Favorite Tv Shows? Isn't that in my profile?
5. What Do You Have For Breakfast? Breakfast? What the hell is that?
6. Who Would You Hate To Be Stuck In A Room With? The crazy lady on the bus today
7. Can You Touch Your Nose With Your Tongue? No but I can roll my tounge
8. What Inspires You? Anyone willing to stand up for what they beleve.
9. What's Your Middle Name? Bradley
10. Beach, City, Or Country? Country
11. Favorite Ice Cream? Cow tracks
12. Butter, Plain Or Salted Popcorn? All of the above
13. What's Your Favorite Color? Burgandy
14. Favorite Car? The one that goes vroom vroom
15. Favorite Sandwich Filling? Pickles and lots of them
16. What Characteristic Do You Despise? Ignorance
17. Favorite Flower? Lily
18. If You Had A Big Win In The Lottery, How Long Would You Wait To Tell People? When I collect the money and show up to my friends houses to give some of it to them
19. Fizzy Or Still Water As A Drink? Still! What are you drunk?
20. What Color Is Your Bathroom? White
21. How Many Keys On Your Key Ring? Three.
22. Where Would You Retire To? BC. Some where far off in the woods
23. Can You Juggle?
24. Favorite Day Of The Week? Thursday
25. Red Or White Wine? mmm both
26. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday? A Red Son Superman toy
27. Do You Carry A Donor Card? I'm givin all but my eyes to science.
28. Say Something Nice About The Person That Sent This? He lets me call him at all hours of the night

And now back to our regular programing
I got a game for you. Name this 80s cartoon character

First one to tell me who he is gets a cookie. And the first one to tell me his race gets one of my socks!!
My you always live in interesting times.
The Saint

I'm sorry about your freind Matt. That kind of situation complicates grief and mourning for all those involved, because not only do you have the event itself.. but all of the court hearings and deal makings can happen behind your back and the accused can walk free, I hope justice was achieved...
and N/P.. I am always here to listen ..
It shuts me up
[Edited on Mar 29, 2006 7:03PM]