So I hung out with film_maker123 today. He's a cool guy so you folks out there should go say hi to him.
I'm a little worried about my membership right now I noticed drugsforthekids is no longer active on SG and well she's the one with the credit card not I. I have the money to renew my membership, in fact I planed on making it a year long insead of my puny little 3 month but I can't get ahold of her to see if her credit card is maxed out.
I geuss if I can't get ahold of her you guys will find out in 4 days if my account is still up. Wish me luck in my hunt.
Remember to listen to Black Sabbath....or I WILL poke you with sharp pointy sticks

I'm a little worried about my membership right now I noticed drugsforthekids is no longer active on SG and well she's the one with the credit card not I. I have the money to renew my membership, in fact I planed on making it a year long insead of my puny little 3 month but I can't get ahold of her to see if her credit card is maxed out.

Remember to listen to Black Sabbath....or I WILL poke you with sharp pointy sticks

what movie u wanna watch saturday, given i don't get attacked with more work.
sounds good, u pick this time, i'll pick next time. i'm crashing now it's been a long day.