Last night I had an odd nightmare. I was being stocked by servants of Anubis for some wrong I had done him. I had no idea what I did to him but he knew I pissed him off. The servents were in teams of five. Four armoured men carring kopeshes and a giant jackel.
What was odder was the images of sharks I saw through out the dream. Disembowled sharks every where I turned. hmm odd
Anyways you cats should all listen to more jazz, it makes you a happier person
Rock harder and rock true
The new Saint of killer beats
What was odder was the images of sharks I saw through out the dream. Disembowled sharks every where I turned. hmm odd
Anyways you cats should all listen to more jazz, it makes you a happier person

The new Saint of killer beats
I am quite versitile.