Over a 30 hour period this weekend I managed to watch 24 Frelling hours of Farscape.... I am such a loser.
Am I the only one who was pissed when this show got canceled? Is it only shown on Australian and Canadian television?
I tried going Vegan for a week. Just to see what would happen to me. I used no medicine or vitamins. I ate only natural foods that can be found or grown in my region and non altered in any way. That was it, I was constantly hungry, had a constant headache and oddly enough I had keytones in my blood. I quit that shit quick and stuffed my self full of beef.
Screw you vegans, when the world is over I'm eating you first.
Am I the only one who was pissed when this show got canceled? Is it only shown on Australian and Canadian television?
I tried going Vegan for a week. Just to see what would happen to me. I used no medicine or vitamins. I ate only natural foods that can be found or grown in my region and non altered in any way. That was it, I was constantly hungry, had a constant headache and oddly enough I had keytones in my blood. I quit that shit quick and stuffed my self full of beef.
Screw you vegans, when the world is over I'm eating you first.

if I'd have been drinking something it would be all over the screen right now.