Though the snow is now long gone, and giving way slowly to the warmth of spring. The peaceful, quiet, feeling that comes with it; has somehow found a way to stay with me. Though not all days are relaxing. The feeling of calm, is a much easier to get back, this spring. This could also be due to the fact that i am nearing the end of yet another semester of school, and have great confidence that I will end this one on a good note. Something i am not used to doing in the past. With summer approaching though, the though of a summer job comes to mind; and I have no clue what i wanna do this summer. Aside from make some sort of money and possible be outside; cause i don't think i could take the idea of spending all those hot, beautiful, sunny, summer days inside. Since there never seem to be enough of them, before winter and darkness come back again. With each day warmer my spirits seem to grow brighter and I long be outside at often as i can. Feeling the heat of the sun warming my skin.=)