So there's a lot of talk about gun owners starting militias to fight against the alleged evil government that they've decided is going to take away their guns. I can honestly say that I hope this happens and they assemble together to prepare for the ultimate showdown with the oppressive forces of the government. I hope that they all get together and huddle around campfires and set up pickets and brace for their heroic final stand against tyranny. And wait. And wait. And wait some more. Until the people in the group start looking at each other, realize it's fucking cold outside and that nobody is coming, and say "This is fucking stupid, and I'm cold. I'm going home. We'll try this again next week. Maybe then the government will come."
I'm thinking setting up a hot cocoa stand at the militia assembly might be a good investment of my time.
Good idea. It might do well to call it "Freedom Cocoa" or "Give me Marshmallows or Give me Death!".