So here's what nobody wants to talk about when it comes to the immigration issue. You see, a lot of the people who are so strongly opposed to opening our borders up and reforming the immigration process are the very people who are making a killing off of the cheap labor that they're providing. It's in the best interest of the people who are making money by cutting their overhead in labor costs to keep pressure on the undocumented immigrants so that they're afraid to complain, and it helps to keep the focus on the immigrants themselves rather than the people who profit off of them.
The irony of it is that the people whose jobs are being affected are the ones who are blaming the immigrants. The blue collar Americans who used to be able to make a living are no longer able to due to being undercut. But instead of going after the people who are hiring them, we try to fix it by deportation. That's the power of good propaganda. You can make people ignore facts and believe whatever you want them to.
So here's the solution: you increase penalties for hiring undocumented workers, and simultaneously streamline the immigration process to make it so that they're not waiting for 8-10 years for their work visa. It's pretty simple really. Then you have people who are paying income taxes, are receiving benefits, and best of all, are entitled to receive minimum wage, which removes the incentive to hire people under the table. Enforce the laws requiring certifications for work such as welding, a/c and refrigeration, and construction. Simple as that. It's not rocket science, just take the passion out of it and you've got a pretty evident solution. Undocumented workers will stop flooding across the borders if nobody is going to hire them, and the ones who do come across will still have to compete with American citizens and will have the ability to make better money than they would have in the jobs that they get.
Just an idea.
The irony of it is that the people whose jobs are being affected are the ones who are blaming the immigrants. The blue collar Americans who used to be able to make a living are no longer able to due to being undercut. But instead of going after the people who are hiring them, we try to fix it by deportation. That's the power of good propaganda. You can make people ignore facts and believe whatever you want them to.
So here's the solution: you increase penalties for hiring undocumented workers, and simultaneously streamline the immigration process to make it so that they're not waiting for 8-10 years for their work visa. It's pretty simple really. Then you have people who are paying income taxes, are receiving benefits, and best of all, are entitled to receive minimum wage, which removes the incentive to hire people under the table. Enforce the laws requiring certifications for work such as welding, a/c and refrigeration, and construction. Simple as that. It's not rocket science, just take the passion out of it and you've got a pretty evident solution. Undocumented workers will stop flooding across the borders if nobody is going to hire them, and the ones who do come across will still have to compete with American citizens and will have the ability to make better money than they would have in the jobs that they get.
Just an idea.
Sorry, there is mandatory sledgehammer test....I don't make the rules, I just enforce them 

Dear, you are talking to the master of the sledgehammer. Not only can I throw a hammer like nobody short of a Norse thunder god, but I can ricochet a straight hit from one off my manly pecs
How are you with a bow-staff? Because that's a pre-req for me. Gotta have bow-staff fighting skills. And look good in leather.