listen to this while reading this "AMAZING WEEKEND" i've had babies! So this weekend has been ... interesting. It was my friend Ashlie's (I might refer to her as 'Bunnie' throughout this blog) birthday, and our 'friend' cat had planned on us going to a stripclub last night, she had Ash and I dress SUPER fucking scandalous outfits, and we fucking end up in downtown Austin, in pretty much nothing, and not to mention A GAY BAR. So Bunnie and I tried to make the best out of the situation, a few of her friends from Cosm. school met up with us, and of course we're dancing having a good time.... this fucking bull dyke..
(<mental image, anyways, I have NO problem with lesbians and gays) got into me and ash's face saying "get the fuck out, you guys are fucking pathetic, you're not even lesbians, if you 'are' then its because you've KISSED a girl once or had some little college experiment." ... and then i let her have it, I wasnt about to let her ruin my best friend's birthday.... then we left, i walked through downtown Austin at around 3 in the morning wearing ...
THEN me and Bunnie decide to catch a cab and go the fuck home, guys came up to us screaming "I'll give you 1000 for the night!" So we're screaming at them, saying fuck off, find a state trooper, and figured "HEY! WE'LL BE SAFE WITH A POLICEMAN!" ... so we tell him what's going on and that we're going to wait next to him while we wait for our cab...and he has the audacity to ask us for our FUCKING numbers. THEN some asshole grabbed my ass, and the cop made him come over and apologize... we FINALLY got a cab around an hour and a half later, that costed us around 85 bucks to get home. And finally went to sleep. hahaha FUCKKKKKKKKKKK NO. >.<
i dont know if i should laugh at that situation or not... hahahaha
atleast i was drunk 90 percent of that nightmare!
i want to do another set already

i dont know if i should laugh at that situation or not... hahahaha

i want to do another set already

So what did you do to your "friend" Cat?

nobody ever grabbed my ass on the street. I need to visit texas sometime.