1. What food do you crave most often?
feijoa..hard to come by in Australia, but fuck i love them
2. Can you swim?
heck yea i can, could swim from an early age
3. Can you whistle?
surely can :)
4. Home on a beach or in the mountains?
beach house for sure
5. Hotdogs or Hamburgers?
burgers for sure.. though respect for a tasty hotdog
6. Shower or tub?
shower...unless we are talking hot tub
7. How many TVs are in your house?
two tv's in the house8. Do you own a gun?
nope, never have9. Favorite type of food?
Mexican..flavour and heat :)
10. Favorite hobbies?
Reading, gaming and puns
11. Favorite time of year?
Autumn for me i feel so energised
12. Favorite drink in the morning?
13. Favorite outdoors activities?
swimming, roaming,chilling in pine forests, paintball
Gin,whisky, cider
15. Things I love?
Nihilism, music, ninjitsu, coffee
16. Do I have a crush?
17. 4 turn on’s:
positive attitude, confidence, sense of humor, has a nerdy side
18. 4 turn offs:
Racism, bad breath, shitty attitudes, chewing gum while smoking
19. How I feel right now:
pretty damn good, work is busy, life is good
20. My current relationship status:
21. Color:
black and purple
21. Animal:
if i could i'd own all the otters in the world
23. Song:
i don't one all time fav song, so many for different occasions, but for right now i would say it is Coming home by Me and that Man.
@haub done :)