well crap! I was all excited yesterday because I got a web cam as a late x-mas present from my aunty-poo (no I dont really call her that), but sure enough my computer is to old and crappy to use the thing to its full potential. Ho hum....oh well. At least I finally got it to start taking pictures, just no video. So I got bored last night and took a few. Nothing pornographic though folks
, so don't worry. It's not that I'm against exhibitionism... in fact I'm all for it, but I figured no one really wants to see my hairy ass or ball sack. Am I right about this?... I think so.
So I'm leaving the Speedos on, until the next time I get shit faced and decide to go streaking again that is Anyways back to the subject at hand, I took a few goofy pictures just to entertain myself and too send to my girl while she was doing her homework to entertain her. Making a fool of yourself is always a sure fire way to keep people entertained. Whether or not theyre laughing at you or with you is another matter, but I don't really care about the "why" as long as people are laughing.
I cant get to them right now but Ill post the pictures laters just incase anyone needs a good laugh today. Peace yall!
...nothing but monkey business
ps BTY, just in case any of you haven't seen Bar Fighter (but you probably have since they did an interview on this site but bare with me cause I've been out of the states for awhile and am a little behind the times) anyways if you haven't seen it check out this link and click on the trailer video. I hate to admit that I find senseless violence entertaining at times but.... you have to admit that in the trailer when the one girl comes out of right field with a serious beatch slam and knocks the other girl flat on her ass right after the disclaimer, its pretty damn cool.... plus it has midget tossing and girls making out which NEVER gets old.
i definately have waaayy to much time to myself....

So I'm leaving the Speedos on, until the next time I get shit faced and decide to go streaking again that is Anyways back to the subject at hand, I took a few goofy pictures just to entertain myself and too send to my girl while she was doing her homework to entertain her. Making a fool of yourself is always a sure fire way to keep people entertained. Whether or not theyre laughing at you or with you is another matter, but I don't really care about the "why" as long as people are laughing.

...nothing but monkey business

ps BTY, just in case any of you haven't seen Bar Fighter (but you probably have since they did an interview on this site but bare with me cause I've been out of the states for awhile and am a little behind the times) anyways if you haven't seen it check out this link and click on the trailer video. I hate to admit that I find senseless violence entertaining at times but.... you have to admit that in the trailer when the one girl comes out of right field with a serious beatch slam and knocks the other girl flat on her ass right after the disclaimer, its pretty damn cool.... plus it has midget tossing and girls making out which NEVER gets old.
i definately have waaayy to much time to myself....


i need a web cam