Went to see The Epoxies last night. I am so glad that O talked about them. Everyone I had talked to at work about going bagged on me but my wife. We had a blast!!! The Epoxies Rok!!!

My wife really liked one of the warm-up bands, Ursula Major. The singer seemed like she had a really great time.

The Epoxies were the best. They...
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Geeez! they are going everywhere but Houston!
Epoxies do kick arse oh yes!
You know....I must really love my wife. She is the football fan in the family. Now, don't get me wrong, I do love watching anything done at a high level. I just don't care who is playing or who wins.

Anyway...my wife is a Redskins fan. Don't know why, they don't seem to have had a good record for a while. Not since the Hogs...
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your so silly......but alls i see is your picture......write me back and let me know whats going on.
Yeah , that's me in the new pic . I didn't think that it went up because it didn't post last night .

Also , I am feeling a little better . At least now , before work . After may be a different story . biggrin
There is an old chinese curse "May you live in interesting times"

Someone must have said those things to me recently when I was not paying attention. If I remembered who said that to me..... (I'll let your imagination run on that one)

I go to the gym on Friday mornings. So, I'm driving down the road in the left lane minding my own business...
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oooh faith thinks youre wanted....

lucky son offa...
Thank you for the compliment on my faerie!

I don't exactly know what I was thinking when I wrote that poem. I had just seen "The Ring" not too long before that so the poem kind of took that sort of form, like a weird nightmare sort of thing. I wouldn't say you were wrong on your theory at all! I have no idea what I meant myself really tongue
"Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

When I was in college, two of my best friends and I drove up into the hills to a spot that looked over the town one night. We just stood there looking at the lights in the city. They...
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Your story reminds me of Bill Murray in Groundhog Day .
"Why couldn't I re-live THAT day over and over again ?"
Ha,ha,ha . Good stuff. biggrin
hey there! i am here! hehe...i think i missed your 11/12 posting..i will have to check the archives biggrin

ahhh, my schooling is not over...i am about to get 3 undergrad degrees--right now i am applying to graduate schools for psychology...we'll see how that goes! smile
Time for a Welsh Welcome:

Hail Guest! We ask not what thou art!
If friend, we greet thee hand and heart!
If stranger, such no longer be!
If foe, our love shall conquer thee!
I'm very lucky. biggrin
ah indeed--how has it been going? i have just gotten back around to being sociable here :-P
My wife did it again. She asked that "simple" six word question: "Do you know what I think?"

Whenever a woman asks a man (especially this man), "Do you know what I think?", all of the little hairs on the back of my neck start standing up.

There is no right answer to that one.

"Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"I think so,...
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OUCHIE...that IS a rough question . How'd you answer ? Or are you not able to use your arms to type ?

The only questions that could possibly top that on the worst things a woman can ask you...
1) What are YOU thinking ?
2) Do you think she's pretty ?
3) Does this make me look fat ?

Actually , none of those are as bad as " THE LOOK " . You're married , so I know that you know what I'm talking about . THE LOOK can strike fear into the most stout hearted man and turn him into a quivering pile of jelly . ALL men should fear THE LOOK .

Hope you heal up soon . Enjoy the painkillers .
hey you.....i am flatter....but not fatter. actually maybe wider is the best way to describe my screwed up resized pic...lol
oh well....

hope your doing well...

oh yeah.....and that question that your wife asked..isnt too bad if you think about it. actually, when a woman stops asking that....ever, generally it means,
that she really doesnt give a F*** if you care about what shes thinking or not.....asking questions is alot better than that silence bullshit.

A man lived with his son on a farm in China. One day, their prized stallion broke free of the pen and ran off.

A neighbor heard of this and approached the man saying "Oh what terrible luck has befallen you!" The man just shook his head and said "Good luck, bad luck, who can tell?"

A week...
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You know , I remember somebody once said in one of the journals that you were like Cain from Kung Fu with all of your words of wisdom and all . You seem to me to be more like the wise old master(That wasn't an "old" crack by the way) . You always have these great stories that make people stop and think about the way things are , and the way things could be . I really liked that one . Makes ya' wonder .

Maybe you should become a professional sage . You could get a temple at the top of a mountain somewhere and people could make pilgrimages up to the top to hear your words of advice . Then after they've made this long , arduous , journey to see you , you could tell them a "knock-knock" joke or something . Heh,heh . That's all the wisdom you get!!! SUCKER!!!!

G_Felix , the "evil" sage . It has a certain ring to it doesn't it ?
I keep hearing the term that "High school was a long time ago". I know that the saying is meant to mean what Mark Twain meant when he said "Loyalty to petrified opinions never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul in this world - and never will."

However, when I think about it, high school WAS a long time ago for me....
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Grecian Formula , Baby!!! Just kidding . I'm getting up there myself .

I completely agree with your opinion of this community . I have never met such an amazing and interesting group in my life . Especially the girls . Not only are they beautiful but they're intelligent , eloquent , and just plain sweet .

i graduated from high school last year....so its only been a couple of moths since ive been without any sort of title over my head....byt that i mean im no longer an high school student or a senior in high school and im not a college student or freshman in college....im just amber (oops i let my real name slip hahaha)....and to tell you the truth there is something oddly refreshing about that....

i dont remember much from my graduation....which is sad...i wish i could blame it on age or something natural like that...but in the end it was the ammount of drugs that i took that day that erased most of my graduation memories....although i do remember one thing....the meat heads who actually graduated decided to bring a blow up doll to the ceremony....the one kid sat there through most of commencements blowing it up....ive never seen anyones face turn that red before....so as the valedictorian stood before the mic ready to give her speech up went the blow up and it stayed up for about 4 minutes until the principal caught hold of her naked body and once he realized what he was holding he hid it behind his back....the embarrassment on his face was priceless....

and as one last comment....in agreement with 35mmlife....although i love this community and would thoroughly enjoy living closer to many of the members...im not quite sure if i would want to meet some of them...i mean its nice talking through journals and occassionally on aol....but thats all i would want to come of it....never actually meeting face to face....i think that is what keeps me interested to some of the members on here....oh well...

ok well ive taken up too much space already my dear....hope you have a lovely day....xoxo...
Here's another Mark Twain story.

"One Sunday morning, after attending church services in Hartford, Mark Twain approached Dr. Doane, the minister, and said jovially, 'I enjoyed your service this morning, doctor. I welcomed it like an old friend. In fact, I have at home a book containing every word of it.'
The minister was indignant. 'You have not!'
'Yes, I have,' insisted Twain.
'I would...
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that's a hilarious story!
he. thats funny. (above)

mmm.....funny...i loved the movie the ring, but i just sat here and
had to have my roommate tell me the final scene again. I guess that means
i either have a really really bad memory, or it wasnt all that good.
lol. probably the first suggestion.

what kind of chokers are you looking for ? i do special orders, so let me know...
talk to you soon.
In the following story, the names have been changed to protect ME. Forget about the innocent (or guilty)!

Steve went to visit a friend of his, Tom Jones, in a neighboring town. While they were visiting, the discussion somehow arrived at talking about villiage idiots. Tom was excited and said they had to go downtown to see Bobby.
Steve was not really excited about this...
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I forgot to mention in my journal that if you take your pumpkin , after it's served it's purpose , and smash it in front of somebody else's house it's still acceptable . It gives them one last feeling of purpose . They love it . Maybe you can go drag yours out of the brush pile and give hima proper send off .

hmmmm, why yes...life is a circle...or, perhaps, more like an ellipsoid...anyway, i like your thoughts...and you! heheheh...oh, and i would have thrown leftover halloween cobwebs, except that i gave them all away to wa weaver who claimed she could make a fine gown out of it smile oh my...13 hours on a computer at work has turned my mind to goo...take care... wild man ;>
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, pitch manure, solve equations, analyze a new problem, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for...
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i love being multitalented. but it sux when looking for a job and u cant make up your mind cause you can do so many things.

(in person) i would like to be able to push my aggressive nature to the side for awhile. it seems to hamper my friend making proccess.

(online) to hack into my ISP's server and fry it. its pissing me off big time.
Ohhhh, the question of questions...::sigh::.. I think you know my answer but I'll give one more because I'm anything but ever at a loss.

I am unable to give more of myself. Circumstances have left me rather paralyzed, locked inside me and stagnant. I know there is so much more I could do and be not just for myself. I can't right now and I hate that. It sickens me. Sometimes when I close my eyes the burn gets so bad but I hold then shut anyway and think maybe when I open I'll see things differently. I'll let you know how that wishing goes for me.