Grrrrrrrr... Thursday morning. The one day I still work in peoples yards. No matter the weather there I am. Today is cold. I should not complain, This one day every week brings in enough dough to pay my child support. I should consider my self lucky. After working a few weeks at the grocery store and seeing those skimpy checks.
Going to see Jason and the Argunauts at the Parkway this evening. I love this old movie.
Tomorrow night I'm going to a friends space to hear some experimental sound music....It's like cutting edge man
errrr ok it's more like really loud noise, but it's cool.
Hope some of you are going to the hemlock on Sunday night. Shit I have a bussy weekend. Oh yeah, plus I'm replacing the flooring on Sunday from my little experiment with toast
Here is a new pillow for a friend. I made it with fabric samples.

Going to see Jason and the Argunauts at the Parkway this evening. I love this old movie.

Hope some of you are going to the hemlock on Sunday night. Shit I have a bussy weekend. Oh yeah, plus I'm replacing the flooring on Sunday from my little experiment with toast

Here is a new pillow for a friend. I made it with fabric samples.

see you tomorrow...we have a future alameda house meeting today at 4....but you're probably going to be out...maybe see you then...g got me up at buttcrack just to bring me back to some lame ass beanbag chair...