Well, it's been another busy weekend, and the new week is underway. This week is a little special..no? I mean everyone is in that great festive sprirt. People cutting eachother off on the road a bit more than normal, Car horns honking longer and it might be my imagination but they seem louder. Anyway, I love that about the holidays...The spirit of giving is so contagious. Everybody is scrambeling to donate to the homeless, gotta do it before the 1st. Beautiful. Kinda makes me wish it was like this year round. Oh, i must not forget to mention the beautiful if not artistic light displays in some of the neighborhoods. That un-natural glow about a house just reminds of baby jeusus in a manger...ahhhhhh.
So peace on earth mother fucker and all that shit. I hope that fat ass santa is able to slide his blubber ass down your chimmeny so you can have that new x box!
So peace on earth mother fucker and all that shit. I hope that fat ass santa is able to slide his blubber ass down your chimmeny so you can have that new x box!

Yeah I went to the housewarming, missed you! How is the new job?
i miss you player! but...i can't tell your eyes are green from the profile...dork!