What a great performance by sweetcheeks, bombshellbetty. They were funny and sexy as usuall. Weird combo but it works......I laughed I was aroused......
Papawheelie was great too. His song about fucking bush was great....wait that sounds weird when I say it like that....I ment his song 'fuck you very much mister Bush' was funny....that looks better.
I was also able to meet up with another SGfriend sweetpeas was there and we said three or four words to each other.
It was a great evening. For any of you who do not know Speakeasily performance's are every Tuesday night at the Mile High Club in Oakland.......Always worth the price of admission.

Papawheelie was great too. His song about fucking bush was great....wait that sounds weird when I say it like that....I ment his song 'fuck you very much mister Bush' was funny....that looks better.
I was also able to meet up with another SGfriend sweetpeas was there and we said three or four words to each other.
It was a great evening. For any of you who do not know Speakeasily performance's are every Tuesday night at the Mile High Club in Oakland.......Always worth the price of admission.

Thanks for coming out last night! I really appreciate you supporting us with your presence, all the time. And thanks for the invite. I told Jess about it, and I think she will go to. She gets off work at 1 on Saturdays. Thanks again for inviting us. It means a lot to me.
Hey you! It was great to see you out again on Tuesday. So we're not performing this week, but I hope to see you out again, heckling and inspiring new numbers.