Just a few more days and I'll be back on the "Rock" and quite frankly, I'm not sure how I'll feel. This TDY was my first opportunity off Terceira since my arrival in February. I'm both excited about going back and passing on the knowledge I've gained from my class and hesitant about going back to unstable weather and uncertainty of when good weather will return.
To the Gainesvillians: I was able to make the drive; sorry for not seeing anyone/making plans. I was stressed out trying to see all my friends in such a short period of time, and spend time with my cousins. Sad thing is that I wasn't able to see all of the people I truly wanted to see. Oh well...time to suck up and press on.
Today, I went to Irvington, AL to Wat Buddharaksa (Thai temple) and I am happy I did. Religion isn't everyone's thing and I'm not one to press the issue. For me, not having had anything remotely similar to Theravada Buddhism for so long, the visit was insightful and refreshing. I feel rejuvenated and more complete than I have felt for some time. We all need a little guidance every now and again.