If there is something i can mess up in a relationship, you better believe i will. Wow, what a morning already. I can not believe i shed a tear of saddness in front of her when there was nothing but beauty happening in front of me. Well, time to try to clear things up and hopefully get this stupid thing behind us. When does she get back from class? It seems like it is taking forever.
Good news though, i still have a chance to make my tape for tough enough 4 and get a chance to achieve a dream. Weeyow. I gotta get this done. Plus the other cool thing is that it might lead to me having a road trip to Dallas
Good news though, i still have a chance to make my tape for tough enough 4 and get a chance to achieve a dream. Weeyow. I gotta get this done. Plus the other cool thing is that it might lead to me having a road trip to Dallas