I am in complete shock over the chaos we have in New Orleans right now!!
How could this be happening? Why did the Federal Gov't take so long to react to this hurricane? It's not like we didn't know it was coming!! Even now it is too little too late. I don't understand how the US Gov't could be so negligent in a natural diaster situation in our own country!!!
***** *****
And i am incredibly disappointed in human kind right now!!
Why is there voilence, beatings, shootings, and rape? Rape? Who in the hell decides to do this in a crisis situation? What kind of evil predators are human beings? Maybe I am an idealistic fool, but I always thought that people somehow found the strength to pull together and protect each other.
Which brings me to my next point...I read on CNN.com where a police officer refused help to others and was quoted as saying.."Go to hell..It's every man for himself!"
And now W is encouraging brute force in stopping "unlawfullness" down there.
This terrifies me.
How are we supposed to interpret this statement exactly?
From MSN News:
[ Lt. Gen. Steven Blum of the National Guard said 7,000 more National Guardsmen arriving in Louisiana on Friday would help restore order in New Orleans, where armed robberies, rapes and assaults have been reported. He said half of them had just returned from overseas and are highly proficient in the use of lethal force. He pledged to put down the violence in a quick and efficient manner.
They have M-16s and theyre locked and loaded, Gov. Kathleen Blanco said earlier. These troops know how to shoot and kill, and they are more than willing to do so, and I expect they will.
But Blum also underscored that the guardsmen's primary mission was to "save Louisiana citizens." The only thing we are attacking is the effects of this hurricane, he said. Blum said that a huge airlift of supplies was landing Friday and that it signaled the cavalry is and will continue to arrive. ]
I have been a serious slacker about adding photos. But...I added two photos today for your enjoyment. Ha!
...and I agree that racism plays a huge part in this situation. I saw a news article on Fox News showing white people "finding" food and supplies from an abandoned store, and they showed black people "stealing, and looting" from the same place! What the fuck? Why is it "finding" when a white person does it and "stealing" when a black person does the same exact thing!?!
This administration is fucking worthless!!
For a week before it hit we watched, why weren't supplies being stocked where they could be utilized and why the guard wasn't called up prior to the hit.......
i just hope that now that things are getting to the point they should of been from the beginning that the senseless deaths stop.
glad to see pics added
[Edited on Sep 04, 2005 2:07PM]