wow.....i am looking forward to the weekend!! is going to be very nice. i am seeking some major sanctuary this weekend, and next week. i will have the place all to myself, no housemates, and no stinky kitten! (which i am highly allergic to) it is right on time too, because there were some things that were getting to me big time, and i was starting to dread ever being at home. i hate that feeling! so anyway, i am going to enjoy my time alone...i'll start a new book, maybe do some drawing/painting. i will feel drunk with the peaceful alone time.
can you tell i am looking forward to it?

anyone have any suggestions for new reading material??

Alone time? I make it a point to commit the majority of my time that isn't at work to alone time. Meditation, studying, studying, studying and creation, oh my. Enjoy that time thoroughly, and don't let no motherfuckers take it away from you.
Where have I been? Living a little too much life outside the little glowy box.