i find out tomorrow if i get the job or not. good gawd i need some $$ so freakin' bad!! throw me a bone people, i really need this!
bad news..
i got evicted. i can't really blame my landlord. my financial situation is looking grim. but it sucks some major ass all the same.
i could go on and on about life sucking...but honestly i am too exhausted. and, i guess it won't really do me any good, will it?
i'll just look at this as a new beginning for me. maybe i will be able to find a cute place to rent in the country. that would be nice for me. and Niko would be in heaven!! i have always felt at home in the sticks.
some history..
i grew up in the country, on the top of a mountain called Lost Mountain. cool name, eh? there were acres and acres of land for me to roam as a kid. my parents built thier house up there when i was small. the land had been passed down through generations. when i was a kid i found all these great things... there was this cave, and it was one of my regular spots to hang out. i found a tree with initials carved in it, and it turned out to be my great uncle and his wife who carved that tree. they were about 14 or 15 and had just fallen in love. i also found a huge claw foot bath tub in the middle of a spring!! haha seriously. it was put there to pool the spring water for the cows and horses to drink that they let roam up there years ago. now it's just a big bathtub in the middle of a spring, in the middle of the woods!! in the heat of summer i would go up there and sit in the tub. the spring water was always so cold and incredibly refreshing on those days...it was great!!
and there were so many more awesome things...
maybe i will tell you more if you like.
take care!
I imagine my grandma-friend is pretty sad. But its all apart of life.