in two weeks i get to go see Motley Crue!!! yeah baby!! my xmas gift from my best friend was tix for the Crue, and a hotel suite for our stay in DC. our seats are on the 20th row...not too bad.

we saw them live when we were 16. it was a blast! this will be fun tho...to see them again as "adults." haha
i don't care what anybody says...Vince Neil is still hot even though he has gotten kinda old and pudgy. if he wasn't a walking test tube for every STD known to man...i'd even do him!

of course while i'm in DC i'll be checking out the museums. i'm almost as excited about that as the show. gawd...i'm such a nerd!! there is a Morrisot exhibit at the Smithsonian that i want to check out! she was a very interesting impressionist.
....and i can't forget to see the Women's War Monument. my grandma's name is on it. it was built to honor all the women who have served in the military. it mentions some of the first women enlisted. grandma joined as soon as she could...she was in the Navy. she is sooo proud to be on that monument. she doesn't have much time left, sadly, so i would like to be able to tell her i saw her name there. i don't know if any of her grandchildren have been yet. it will make her happy, and i am proud of her. grandma is a cool lady!!

Sounds like you're bouncing back in true suicidegirls fashion from the bad news about your shop. Good!!! Good things are bound to happen for you at a Crue concert in DC.
why aren't there any pics of Niko????