well i know nobody wants to hear someone else complain...but i need a sounding board, so here ya go......
i decided to close my shop. i am going to be open on weekends for a little while, and eventually close down. it would take a small miracle for me to stay open at this point. i don't like to give up, i'm not a quitter.....but i have been struggling so long with this business, and i don't want to reach financial ruin because of it. this is difficult for me because this was one of my dreams. i wanted my own little frame shop, and i want to have my own gallery one day. i had high hopes that the frame shop would lead into my second dream of a gallery since they go hand in hand. i'm so upset. this has been so important to me for so long, it's hard to let go. how do i close without feeling like the bigest loser in the fucking world?? i'm drowning my sorrows as i type....
i wish this was a horrible dream and i can wake up any minute and the truth will be different.
and it's hard for me not to smack people when they just give me a shrug, and say, "oh well." i want to scream at them and ask if they have ever had a dream fail? it's not an "oh, well" feeling. it's a very devastating feeling.
so what the fuck do i do now? be a fucking secretary or waitress somewhere? i thought i was finally past having shit jobs that i hate to make ends meet.
god-dammit!!! i just needed someone to throw me a fucking bone. thats all. i don't want it all, i just want a share.
well, at least one up side to all this is when things are bad for me i produce alot of artwork. so...if anyone would like a painting of abstract naked people, just let me know. thats what always comes out. usually abstracted images of naked women. when i am happy they are dancing, when i am sad they are bound.
thanks for being my sounding board....
........hey send me those pieces........email me for my address if you need it or my phone number
(In case you are wondering who I am, you sent me a welcome a while back from a post I put on the Buddhist group board)