well i am snowed in for the evening i guess. i don't mind...i'm feeling pretty mellow.
a very good friend of mine called me and told me she was in a crazy accident while snow boarding last weekend. she sat all of her gear aside and proceded to walk to use the john....but she hit a massive sheet of ice on the ground and slid
down the side of the fucking mountain!! 
she said that she was sliding so fast she tried to grab a tree to help stop...which spun her in a 180 and she came around and smacked her face on another tree and split the left side of her face wide open. that slowed her and she eventually stopped. she laid there for 15 minutes yelling for help until finally someone heard her and sent the ski rescue in. they eventually found her; they air lifted her out and straight to the e.r. she is ok now thankfully!! it fucked her up royally but not permanently.

poor thing, she's tiny but damn if she isn't a tough little thing!!
send her get well vibes, she'll appreciate it!!
Holy crap...how is your friend doing? The way you described her face and the tree sounded really painful!