so on my way home from the shop i saw this bum flying a sign..."vet needs work, food." he was at the busy intersection by the mall. so i decided to go get him some soup. it's cold tonight. he'll need something warm in his belly to help him get through the night under the bridge. i drove back over to where he was with the soup, and honked and waved him over. but he didn't think i was waving at him. so i parked and walked over to him and gave him the soup. onlookers in thier safe, warm cars appeared mortified. (fuck you shit-heads) i thought he was going to cry. he kept on saying, god bless you child, god bless you child. it's not a big deal to me to share something so simple, i mean, shit, it was only 2 bucks for the soup...granted i only have 5 bucks to my name, but thats another story. my mom called me right after this happened and i told her the story. she was like, "you know, those people make more money on the corner than they do at work, thats why they do it." very unsympathetic. i can understand that point of view, but i don't agree. i pointed out to ma that sure that could be true, but here is a person sacrificing his dignity for a few bucks. i don't care what he needs cash for. even bums deserve a full belly. she has no idea that i was in that situation when i first moved to santa fe. i am always aware of how close i am to complete poverty. any of us are. anyways...i argued that no matter what they want, just give a few bucks, so fucking what if they want booze? if that is what somebody lives for and thier life is so miserable they live on the street...give it to them!! when i see bums by the store...i get a cheap bottle of booze for them. and they are happy as hell to get it. i mean, just give up the prejudice for a minute and make someone's day. she ended up agreeing with me and i think i helped to change her perspective a little on the subject.
we are all pirates, it's just some of us do it the way society dictates.
...and that's all i have to say about that...
anyone seen the flick "dead man?" my favorite movie of all time!! please watch it if you haven't, it rocks!!

...and that's all i have to say about that...
anyone seen the flick "dead man?" my favorite movie of all time!! please watch it if you haven't, it rocks!!

I know what you mean about bums. I always try to give what change I have in my pocket whenever I see someone on a corner some cold night, and I always wonder what they use the money for. But like you say, even if it's just for booze money, if that makes their day more power to them.
I'll check out Dead Man. I like William Blake, Johnny Depp, and Lance Henrickson. Millenium was a show killed way before its time.
here a few i made today...
Hope you like...if you want me to make-over an image you have just e-mail it to me through my profile contact!
[Edited on Jan 16, 2005 4:38PM]