i just got some bad news today....
a friend of mine passed away last week. she was this amazing eccentric old lady who i used to spend time with in lynchburg. Jan Schaffer was an artist all her life, she also was a published historian. she had the most unique spirit....i really looked up to her, she was everything i want to be when i am an old lady. Jan would come to art openings at galleries, still strutting her stuff like she was still 20 years old, with bright red hair and crazy clothes. she was one of those people who seemed to be elevated from everyone else, not in a snobby way though. she had lived her whole life painting and writing and being exactly who she was supposed to be. she knew her true calling and embraced it. she was inspiring to so many people and lived every day to fill a canvas in her qwirky little way. i loved running into her in the elevator, or our random meetings where she would inevitably rattle off a cool statement full of wisdom and motherly love, which would make me grin all day. she always encouraged me to stay strong, and felt sure that i would be successful in my art and business one day.
i'll miss her. i'm sorry that i won't have the pleasure of her company again.
i'm glad she lived a full, happy life...

sorry bout your friend.....
.......they were seperate incidents..........I have no idea about the card .....they knew all my personal stuff like my pin and mothers maiden name .... i can only suspect a inside job..............................or my Xs boyfriend who is a computer geek.........heh imagine that if i went to that address and found out it was his.............