thanks for the get wells...i'm feeling better!! a shit ton, and yes...that is kinda like a fuck load.
i want to get my dog a kitty cat. i think she is seriously lonely while i am at work. she likes cats, she treats them like her babies. i probably should have let her have a litter, but boxers are prone to cancer, and the vet advised on spaying to extend her life span. which is more important i think. because i want her with me for as long as possible.
right now i am enjoying some champagne, i am gonna go chill by the fireplace now. it's the thing i like the most about my new apartment
My retriever never had puppies either. She settled on raising two cats and three shih tzus. She actually had false pregnancies for the shih tzus so that they could nurse which looked ridiculous.
Glad you are feeling better, happy kitten shopping.