Hello SG-Land!
Just checking in to let ya know I'm alive and well. My internet connection is very, very slow at home, and is proving to be quite unreliable...I get kicked off if I even scroll down the page too fast...YIKES! Ha-ha! So it's kinda difficult to update very often.
I ran into an old friend the other night.
It was awesome to see him again!! Only, I ended up "babysitting" him late night because he was piss drunk (as usual) and mouthed off to this super cool lady...and then got his ass beat by the super cool lady.
But you know...I gotta admit, it was pretty funny. In all honesty he deserved it. And you would think he would learn his lesson...after all, it's not the first time he has pushed a woman's buttons to the point of getting beat down. Poor guy, it seems like he is always walking around with a black eye, or another tooth missing! But he has always been respectful and a good friend to me, so when I'm around I'll continue to patch him up after he fucks up. I have complete faith that one day he will get it together. (okay, okay...yes I have my fingers crossed behind my back...but one can be hopeful, right?) He is a good person underneath it all.
So my question to you is this...
When was the last time you had to "babysit" a drunk friend? Or...when was the last time somebody had to take care of you in a drunken stupor???
Can't wait to read your funny stories!!
Just checking in to let ya know I'm alive and well. My internet connection is very, very slow at home, and is proving to be quite unreliable...I get kicked off if I even scroll down the page too fast...YIKES! Ha-ha! So it's kinda difficult to update very often.
I ran into an old friend the other night.

So my question to you is this...
When was the last time you had to "babysit" a drunk friend? Or...when was the last time somebody had to take care of you in a drunken stupor???
Can't wait to read your funny stories!!

oh well.