Did ya miss me?? I have missed all of my awesome SG friends!! Sorry I have been so scarce of late...but no internet connection has had Miss Fyrestarter out of the loop.
Thanks for all your sweet comments about Niko!
I will explain more about what I have been going through with her later...it makes me incredibly sad to admit that my sweet baby has heart problems. So for now I'll just say that she is fine for now and is getting the best Vet care possible!! I am tearing up now just touching on the subject. So i'll move on.
My Denver plans have been put on hold until I get my settlement from the accident. Once I recieve that...I am packing my shit up and heading out west again! It won't happen soon enough, I am so fucking ready to move! I am ready to start my new plans in Denver. On top my own stress, I have been stuck in a position where I am constantly saturated in other peoples stresses and problems, etc. And it is really getting to me. I really want to get the hell away from it all. But anyway...the move isn't very far away for me, probably only about a month maybe a little longer!!
Later lovelies!
Did ya miss me?? I have missed all of my awesome SG friends!! Sorry I have been so scarce of late...but no internet connection has had Miss Fyrestarter out of the loop.
Thanks for all your sweet comments about Niko!

My Denver plans have been put on hold until I get my settlement from the accident. Once I recieve that...I am packing my shit up and heading out west again! It won't happen soon enough, I am so fucking ready to move! I am ready to start my new plans in Denver. On top my own stress, I have been stuck in a position where I am constantly saturated in other peoples stresses and problems, etc. And it is really getting to me. I really want to get the hell away from it all. But anyway...the move isn't very far away for me, probably only about a month maybe a little longer!!

Later lovelies!

...Hello lovely//////I am in austin right noW.....come ghost hunting with mE.....stil moving to Denver huh..???