I'm so bored today. I can't seem to entertain myself very well today....partially due to a mild case of cabin fever because I'm broke.
I feel like drinking whiskey and dancing the night away.

I posted a pic of me and my sister from a photo shoot we did with a good friend of mine who is a fabulous photographer. All of the photos turned out gorgeous, but this was one of my favorites. He sent me a copy recently....so I'll share it with ya.

So did anyone actually have any New Years resolutions???
Not me. I just want to have a good year. It has been a while, believe me. But...as I have said before, I feel that 2006 has some good things in store for me.

random little faces.
Maybe its an epidemic! Hope its not contagious.
This guy was from way down south and had no idea what was in town.
Meet for drinks? How could I turn down such an offer?