I'm so glad this holiday is over! Been a little stressful...but nothing I can't handle I guess.

Did everyone get what they wanted for Xmas?
.............I asked for a million bucks, but I didn't get it. Damn.
Well, I didn't get the dog I wanted from the boxer rescue. The woman who runs the rescue has issues with my finances. She doesn't seem to think I can afford another dog. She is a very spoiled rich woman who hasn't worked a day in her life and thinks that unless you are upper-middle class you can't afford a pet. Fuck her! That poor dog didn't get an awesome home because of her personal hang-ups. I think a more professional, down-to-earth person should be running the organization instead of her. I guess I'll just have to buy a puppy from a breeder now. I was trying to do the right thing by adopting from a rescue, but that didn't work.
C'est la vie.......right?
On a positive note....
I spent Xmas eve over at my sis's house, so I could be there when my nephew opened his presents from Santa Claus. It was so much fun!! I loved seeing the excitement on his face when he saw his big kid 4-wheeler sitting by the tree!! We all opened our gifts from each other on Xmas eve, and let Xmas morning be all about Trevor and his stuff from Santa.
Good times...

Cheers and Happy New Year to everyone!!!!!

i asked for a small tropical island out of the way of hurricanes...and wouldn't you know it santa gave me a small tropical island right smack in the middle of hurricane territory.
have a great new year.
happy new years!