Alright. The crazy man across the street seems to have a crush on me. He is a disabled Veteran, mentally, he suffered a blow to the head and he isn't right now. Poor guy. But keep in mind that this is the same house that was busted for dealing crack, the entire street was blocked off for that bust...and crazy crack-heads have wandered over to our house from over there, made a huge scene and I had to call the cops...all while my little 5 year old nephew, my sister and I were trying to have a family day.
Anyway...I'm just trying to say the looney-meter is busted across the street and I'm not quite comfortable with this dude trying to come over here and talk to me, give me smokes and lighters, and sticking his tongue out in a vulgar way while he talks to me. Yuck.

I have a tendency to be skiddish over these sorts of things ever since I was attacked years ago. I'm not trying to ever be in that situation again!!
Ha-ha-ha.....It makes me think about a scene from As Good As It Gets when Jack Nickolson answers his door when the neighbors maid stops by and he says...."Go sell crazy somewhere else, we're all full here!" I love that line.
Niko is feeling much better now!! Yay!

Are you afraid of dogs? Have you ever been afraid of a dog? Or any certain breed?
I'm generally not afraid of dogs, but there are certain breeds that I won't go near if I don't know them. Like Pits, Dobies, and Rotts.

She mesmerizes me
I love crazy people, but when things border
on unstable or dangerous = no good.
I hope things are ok.
I think a healthy fear of dogs is a safe way to be.
Years ago, I was petting a little lap dog when
it suddenly sprung up and bit me on the face
You just never know.
Have a good weekend